When Do We Get Our Country Back

It is 17 years since 9/11. During this time we have shown no ability to make our country safe nor bring us, the people, peace. Instead the government churns more and more BS, adds more and more layers of suppression, and generally acts like an occupier.

Trump’s heart seems in the right place. He actually seems to be pursuing national interests. One sign is that Lindsey Graham is disappointed in his “Syria response”. I expect nothing short of planting the 1st Marine Division in Aleppo would do for Graham. If he thinks it was too little, it implies to rational thinking that perhaps it was just right.

But elsewhere the Left is untouched. Trump is shackled with BS investigations but nothing seems to stop the Left. ?Why … Continue reading


So the war drums are beating. All across the Potomac the War Party is out with their paint, dancing.

?But should we “respond”. ?If so, how – ie to what degree. Trashing an airbase didn’t seem to make much difference, so ?how many do we have to trash now.

?More importantly, why. ?What is our national interest.

Defending the 2nd.

Of late there has been an inundation of marches, speeches, opinions on talking heads TV, and that ever-present skinny twerp who assaults other people’s livelihoods because of disagreement while giving the communist salute. Hordes of kids suddenly are the smartest thing since Einstein, whose perspicacity we should unquestioningly be following. And all of it is aimed at eliminating the EBR (Evil Black Rifle). No less than a retired SCOTUS justice, Stevens, calls for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Although truth be told, he wasn’t too bright while ON the bench, so one should have little expectation of new-gained insight.

Meanwhile in support of the 2nd we see ….. nothing. Those few “children” who actually ARE wise enough to understand the 2nd and its importance are given no … Continue reading

McCabe and CNN

So the hot news tonight is the firing of McCabe. For an alternate POV I tuned in CNN. Almost died laughing.

These guys have no points of contact with reality. They keep talking about “theories”, while Fox is reporting facts. They are acting like this was a big surprise. Yet everyone knows it’s been pending for at least 2-3 days.

I for one am glad to see this happen. It finally shows SOME consequences to misbehavior in government. ?What penalty will Lois Lerner ever pay for her misbehavior.

Our Junk Yard Dog President

Here is an interesting take. It’s from an allegedly hidden conservative in CA. You can take that with a grain of salt, but I think the piece embodies many of my feelings about Trump.

Marshall Kamena is a registered democrat and was elected mayor of Livermore, CA.. He ran on the democratic ticket as he knew a Bay Area city would never vote for a republican. He is as conservative as they come. He wrote the following and it is a good read:

Trump’s lack of decorum, dignity, and statesmanship
My Leftist
friends (as well as many ardent #Never Trumpers) constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum. They ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity of … Continue reading


I will freely admit I was not a big fan of Trump in the election but voted for him because the concept of Hillary was just too overwhelming. Not that my vote made any difference – I live in Illinois, where corruption was reborn from the old Tamney Hall.

Still, I have to say, much has changed over this last year, mostly for the good. But not all.

– I note the republicans are talking about saving DACA, an abomination that needs to be gotten rid of like a cancer that it is.

– I note the wall as campaigned about is not going to happen. Instead some farce “over 10 years” is being proposed, and we all know what that means. It ain’t gonna happen.

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An (Additional) Eruption of Bimbos

Most recollect Hillary’s comment of “eruption of bimbos”. The nastiness and disdain heaped upon those unlucky ladies was monumental. Poor dears managed to be groped and even raped by Bill, then demonized for speaking up.

Now we suddenly seem to be suddenly watching as member after member of the Left is unmasked as a predator of the lowest form. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Chuck Schumer was next. What started with a really low life – Harvey – has spread that label to the likes of Conyers, Lauer, Franken, Rose, – even Garrison Kiellor. ?Who will come up tomorrow.

Nancy Pelosi “stood by” Conyers because he was “such an icon”. Now, merely days later, she is calling for him to resign. His lawyer says hell no, but … Continue reading

We Have A Winner!

Two Sundays ago, Mercedes clinched the Manufacturer’s Championship in F1 at the American track in Austin, TX. The winner of the race was Lewis Hamilton, leading most of the way.

This past Sunday was the Mexican Grand Prix. As so many this year, it was dramatic. Mostly it was the fighting at the first turn. Max Verstappan, who won the race, was pinched by Sebastian Vettel of Ferrari, trying to pass. Vettel then became tight and Hamilton went wide in the corner – and had his rear tire cut (and flattened) by Vettel’s front wing. Vettel proceeded around, came into the pits and got a new nose, and proceeded about. Hamilton limped for the full lap on a flat rear, got in the pits and got a new … Continue reading