John Kerry Scores an Own Goal

I agree with Senator John Kerry:

“You know the Chinese are looking at us right now and they are just gleeful and incredulous at the way in which one of the great competitors is imploding on itself, because a group of absolutists and extremists don’t understand the implication of what they are doing, and prepared to hold the entire economy hostage and it is unprecedented of anything I have seen in all of the time I have been in public life, and I think it is damaging and dangerous and reckless and irresponsible,” Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) told MSNBC.

via Kerry: Tea Party A “Group Of Absolutists” Who Don’t Understand What They’re Doing | RealClearPolitics.

I just disagree with him about precisely whom the Chinese find so … Continue reading

Rush to Conservatives: I’m damn proud of you | The Right Scoop

Boehner 3.0 passed, Senate killed it, and now Reid will replace it with a craptastic compromise.  This is the sell-out we are bracing for.  But it doesn’t have to be this way.  We did win, after all.  We have a veto on spending.  If we show the fortitude required, the Democrats will crumble.

RightScoop currently hosting a great clip from Rush:

Rush says that the only reason we have Boehner 3.0 is because of the Tea Party members in Congress and because of us conservatives who made our voices loud and clear, and he says he’s damn proud of all of us. And then he turns it on.

He blasts the leadership for doing Obama and Reid’s bidding and says we should not be the lifeline to getting … Continue reading

President Arafat Rejects Boehner's Camp David Offer

John Boehner is a good man.  But his anger, while justified, engenders no sympathy from me.  He hollered the following, thumping the podium:

Boehner said the bill was necessary “after I stuck my neck out a mile trying to get an agreement with the president of the United States.”

“But a lot of people in this town can never say yes. This house has acted and it is time for this administration to put something on the table, tell us where you are.”

via Boehner Goes Irate On Dems Prior To GOP Passing Another Bill To End The “Crisis” (Video) | Red White Blue News.

There he is, angry that he has no idea what constitutes the negotiating position of the Democrats.  Angry and alone, unable to … Continue reading

Boehner Opposes Group Fighting ObamaCare

[UPDATE: John Boehner has stated that elements of this, such as the Jom Jordan re-districting retribution,  are just a rumor.  As much as I wish to support the Republican Speaker by virtue of the job, it is not inconceivable that “just a rumor” would be enough to get him past a crucial vote.  A spokesman for Jim Jordan, for example, did not seem quite convinced that there was nothing behind it, choosing his words carefully “We would hope that standing strong in favor of lower spending and balancing the federal budget would not be a reason to eliminate the district of a sitting member of Congress.”  Hardly confident. — hbd ]

STOP the Boehner-McConnell-Reid-Obama series of bills!  These are stalking horses for Democrat control so that cowardly Republicans … Continue reading

DeMint to Force Another Senate Vote on Cut, Cap, Balance

YES!  This is what the damned House needs to support.  The House passed Cut, Cap and Balance (CCB), and the Senate tabled it.  They did not kill it.  Tabling a bill leaves it in limbo until it is actually killed, rescued, or the session ends (IIRC).

“The bipartisan House-passed Cut, Cap, Balance bill remains the only plan on the table, the only one that preserves our AAA rating, and is only four Democrat votes away from a Senate majority to end this debt crisis,” said Senator DeMint. “I will work to force another vote on Cut, Cap & Balance next week because the President and Democrats have not offered the American people any other viable solution.

via Sen. Jim DeMint Vows to Force Another Vote on Cut, … Continue reading

Dollar/Years Proposal

This is not rocket science; it is basic math.

Do you see the horseshit in here?  From Eric Cantor’s blog:

In its first year, 2012, the revised bill cuts $22 billion as measured against the latest CBO baseline (while the original bill cut just $1 billion), and in the second year it cuts $42 billion (while the original cut $16 billion). These are still very small numbers in the scheme of federal spending, but the greater front-loading actually matters a lot. One reason is that the 2012 and 2013 budgets are the only ones that will actually be under the control of this congress. But even more important is the greater reduction of the baseline itself since, as we’ve witnessed in the … Continue reading

Tea Party Lessons Learned for the GOP

I do not like Speaker Boehner’s bill, although I thank him for much of what he has accomplished so far.  But we need not bother to fight and make gains if our effort is to be thrown away with lousy, worse-than-status-quo bills like the one currently under consideration.  Among its problems are several assumptions baked into it:

  • Must raise debt ceiling: what an awful place to start negotiations
  • ObamaCare need not be de-funded in whole: if it were being de-funded, I am sure you would have told us
  • CBO baseline acceptable starting point for calculations: as opposed to raw spending
  • 2011 an acceptable baseline year: as opposed to 2008 or 2007.
  • “Supercommittee” acceptable in our form of government: as opposed to merely legal, if even that
  • Americans … Continue reading

Obamacalypse Now; CCB Yes, Boehner Plan HELL NO

Now is no time to stay wobbly, GOP!

Obama’s support is collapsing among his base, Congress, even the media, and I suspect Obama himself.  This job is just no fun when you no longer get your way and your tantrums stop working.

Oh, and the stimulus failed to produce jobs but hurt us grievously with debt, the recovery never got started after all, and the culprit is your ugly baby ObamaCare.  Here’s a chart I have pulled from a devastating, straightforward analysis by Heritage:

The analysis even details the data sources, and statistical methods used.

Friday night’s “Talks Collapse” appearance showed us a President angry and disorganized, having called an impromptu press conference to whine that Republicans are mean. … Continue reading

Cut, Cap, Balance is the Only Plan We Will Offer

The choice for Senate Democrats is this: Pass Cut, Cap, Balance (CCB) now, or after you get jack-hammered for blowing through the debt ceiling.  There will be no other deal. This is the only way the House will accept any raise of the debt ceiling. Go ahead–call our bluff. We don’t even believe in your lurid doomsday story.

The Tea Party did not cause this problem, and did not push it to the twelfth hour, but we will solve it.  I am aware of the feckless Gang of Six proposal, which will never pass the House, and the now-fading McConnell plan, which will never pass the House.

The House of Representatives holds a veto on money, and after the democrats and the GOP leadership abused conservative principles so … Continue reading