2012 In Da Hizzouse

Only about two more hours left in this year. I’ll be up in Yokohama with my wife, having artfully stashed the youngster at the in-laws’. I’ll try to connect and send pics, but the place we’re going (Minato Mirai) is so thronged on New Year’s Eve that it’s difficult to get even a data connection. Still, I’ve always managed.

Stay tuned for a preview of your new year from the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy’s official correspondent to the future (the fu-tuuuure…)

RonPaulstiltskin and the Loughnertarians


Have you argued with any Ron Paul people? You may be familiar with that infuriating style of argument they use, where they don’t listen so much as they parse, and scan your words for opportunities to demand definitions. They construct non-sequitur syllogisms on the fly, rife with false dilemmas, and while you’re trying to understand what tortured, twisted point they’re attempting to make, they convince themselves that they’ve proven you wrong. Take that, etc.

It’s not conversation, and it’s not even argument. It’s a strange form of self-reassurance by talking to others, a delusion that if they just masturbate hard enough in public, we’ll all be converted. I figured out where I have previously heard this disturbing pattern of high-functioning mental derangement:

Jared Loughner.

I viewed/read his … Continue reading

Tea for Twelve

I’m tired.  You’re tired.  We’re enjoying the holidays, and grateful for a decent excuse not to work on the political thing for a bit.  I want to write about many things, but you know what?  I’m tired of writing, and you’re tired of reading.

So enjoy the holidays.  Genuinely relax about the political disaster unfolding, because we need to shepherd our resources closely, and now is not an effective time to fight.  We have enemies across the ocean and enemies on our shore.  We have opponents in the other party, and opponents in our own.  The Obama administration negotiates with enemies while fighting against Americans.  The Republican Party negotiates with Obama while fighting against the Tea Party.  Many of the things we had hoped to acocplish after the … Continue reading

Big Sister is Watching You

My guess is that the only thing new about this is the publicity.

The DHS outlined plans to scans blogs, Twitter and Facebook for words such as illegal immigrant, outbreak, drill, strain, virus, recovery, deaths, collapse, human to animal and trojan, according to an impact asssessment document filed by the agency.When its search tools net an account using the phrases, they record personal information.

via Tweeting the word drill could mean your Twitter account is read by government spies | Mail Online.

House Freshmen Ambush RINOs, Democrats alike!

House Freshmen (sent by the Tea Party) are defying the GOP, the Democrats, the Senate, the White House and the media on this nonsensical payroll tax cut maneuver.  Here’s one quote from among many gems in a Politico piece, and Politico is hardly a friendly outlet these days.  When you’re right, you’re right!  This is the sort of rightness that will cut through the media distortion and go right to the heart of the American voter.

“Only in this town can being right be wrong. It’s the only place in the world where if you do the right thing you’re wrong. Are you kidding me? … If you can’t start doing what’s right for the American people then why the hell did you come here?” intoned Rep. Mike … Continue reading

Burn in Hell, Kim Jong Il.

What took so long? Ding Dong, etc.

PYONGYANG, North Korea AP — Kim Jong Il, North Korea’s mercurial and enigmatic longtime leader, has died of heart failure. He was 69.

via News from The Associated Press.

I give the furtive inbred mutant son about 72 more hours before his innermost thoughts become his outermost clothing. This is going to be great!

Recently, slave labor camps were discovered in RUSSIAN Siberia, where apparently the Norks have been selling humans to the Soviets to haul coal, or handle lumber, or whatever they do in Siberian work camps these days. Russian Mafia will be the most likely foreign support for what remains of the disgusting Kim regime, and that includes Putin and the rest of his KGB bastards.

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