… Priceless

I won;t say much about this. But imagine if the whole MSM were motivated to make mountains out of this molehill. You know; the way they do with Republican presidents.

Story and pic here: http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/slideshow/photo//110325/481/urn_publicid_ap_org4f5e66f76c6043fab3de0d477ff216c6/


For once, it really does seem to be messaging. I’ll assume for the sake of argument that within Operation Odyssey Dawn the lines of command are clear and smooth. British missiles hitting a building in one of his “residential” compounds hardly qualify as proof of an assassination attempt, as there is every possibility that various facilities serve purposes other than those advertised, cf. “Baby Milk Factory”.

I wanted a No-Fly Zone, so I won’t shellack the President for going along with one, and in fact I wanted it far earlier than it came. I’l let that go too, for now.

If the president had gotten ahead of this and said that American involvement will be limited in scope and duration to a “tip of the spear” penetration and … Continue reading

Praise for the Obama Doctrine… a work in progress

I’ll be brief here.  I would like to extend compliments to the Obama administration for taking action and declaring some controlling principles.  I have plenty of criticism which can be seen all over my blog and elsewhwere, but that is not this post.  I believe that the price of admission to a gripe session includes a willingness to take Yes for an answer, and proposals for shared success, not just criticisms.  I’m not sure where I’ll wind up on this putative doctrine of President Obama’s, and I’m not sure what it will turn out to be, but my first impression is that it’s a step in the right direction.  So I take this opportunity to give credit where due.

The President has ordered U.S. military aircraft to evacuate … Continue reading

Free People Get Along

Two posts which caught my eye mere minutes apart, thanks to Twitter and the exertions of those more knowledgeable than myself.

The first is from Commentary magazine, “the flagship of neoconservatism.”

Commentary Magazine

The UN will not, in a billion years, fire off so much as a water pistol to help dislodge Qaddafi.  Among UN Security Council Members are China and Russia – autocracies with every reason to see popular liberation movements suffocate.

This is a critical point, and while I had not even considered the slow-moving and short0sighted UN as possibly helping in this instance, neither had I considered the real reasons that nothing will happen on that front.   In that article, the author comes out in the pages of America’s leading … Continue reading