Anti-Obama Tunisians Can Still Get Bent
I hate Barack Obama, but my animosity to him still stops at the water’s edge. Trash him from overseas at your peril; you’ll get a JDAM up your alley, and I’ll sign it. Continue reading
I hate Barack Obama, but my animosity to him still stops at the water’s edge. Trash him from overseas at your peril; you’ll get a JDAM up your alley, and I’ll sign it. Continue reading
This is a great resource, informative and crisp, illustrating the fetal development timeline.
There has long been a common misperception that most abortions occur before the embryo or fetus is recognizably human. Day after day, thousands of aborting women wrongly believe that they’re simply eliminating some undifferentiated human cell tissue. Because the general ignorance of prenatal development is so convenient to the abortion industry, it’s not hard to guess why Planned Parenthood does so little to accurately educate their clients. Of course, even if human embryos didn’t become so recognizably human in such a short amount of time, would that somehow change the ethics of abortion? Afterall, isn’t it the height of injustice to abuse another member of the human community simply because they don’t look the way … Continue reading
Have your cake and eat it too. Support Romney to defeat Obama. Meanwhile, AVENGE YOUR FAVORITE CANDIDATE on the GOP by taking the information here (see link) and putting it to work:
We have worked diligently to provide a method of finding, cataloging, and searching for Republicans in Name Only. This site functions based on user feedback. That’s why you’ll find an area to discuss RINOs in your area, on every State page. You can click on the map below that corresponds to your State or click on the State link below the map.
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I am trying to educate myself on some of these things, in a detailed way. I am seeking clarity on bouncaries, and I think I found the source of problems with Social Security. If we allow for the fact that the government is going to run a safety net, and we wish to choose between good approaches and bad, then the following paragrpah from the SSA website shows the difference to me:
The original Act provided only retirement benefits, and only to the worker. The 1939 Amendments made a fundamental change in the Social Security program. The Amendments added two new categories of benefits: payments to the spouse and minor children of a retired worker (so-called dependents benefits) and survivors benefits paid to the family in the event … Continue reading
From the excellent Public Sector Inc. blog, run by Troy Senik.
City Administrator Bruce Malkenhorst… pulled down an annual pension of over $540,000 — the highest in the state — for having governed a city of 95 people.
The Obama Administration is gleefully trading American lives for votes. Continue reading
Some links for today…
Outstanding moral clarification of what is at stake, and what has already been lost in America’s betrayal of Guangcheng.
Whatever fate awaits pro-life activist Chen Guangcheng, we know two things for sure: The Chinese tyrants will continue to force women to kill their wanted children.
And President Barack Obama, who has ramped up the campaign fiction that Republicans have declared a “war on women,” will continue the detente with the real war on women, in Communist China, where real blood is being shed in a fanatical crusade against mothers and their children.
via Chen’s abortion message –
I am not a supporter of drug legalization, but this is the single-best argued position I have heard in favor of it. That is because … Continue reading
This man made his way to one of my Facebook groups: “Tea Party”. He posted there using his own account, and I checked him out. I like him. There may be other good Republican candidates, but fine, this is my guy. He got to where I am, and that means something.
People have asked me what are my qualifications to hold a Congressional office? In a half joking response I tell them two things. First, I am not an incumbent and secondly, I am not a lawyer. I received my engineering degree from the University of Florida in 1969 and came to Long Beach in April, 1969 to start work at McDonnell Douglas Corporation. Like most engineers, I have made a major career change. For the past 17 … Continue reading
Jim at Free Republic did the right thing, and must pull his readership back together to allow Free Republic to become once more the hammer of the right. Continue reading