The Sound of Love

From time to time I hear a song and I think, “Now *that* is the sound of love.”  Don’t get me wrong — I have serious epistemological issues with the whole damned thing, but there is a sound that seems to fit the bill.

Now I am not talking about the sound of (ahem) making love (see Aerosmith, Back in the Saddle, ahem ahem, if you get my drift), or music which puts one in the mood for love (paging Dr. Barry White).  Just the sound of the emotion itself.

The first song that seemed to capture that sound for me was Sara by Fleetwood Mac.  There’s a story behind the song, layered and poignant, which sort of fits and not fits.  But the sound is wun hunnert … Continue reading

When Do We Get Our Country Back

It is 17 years since 9/11. During this time we have shown no ability to make our country safe nor bring us, the people, peace. Instead the government churns more and more BS, adds more and more layers of suppression, and generally acts like an occupier.

Trump’s heart seems in the right place. He actually seems to be pursuing national interests. One sign is that Lindsey Graham is disappointed in his “Syria response”. I expect nothing short of planting the 1st Marine Division in Aleppo would do for Graham. If he thinks it was too little, it implies to rational thinking that perhaps it was just right.

But elsewhere the Left is untouched. Trump is shackled with BS investigations but nothing seems to stop the Left. ?Why … Continue reading

A Shovel's Work is Never Done

I have around 8K users on this site. Most of them are nonsense, but I do have several who actually exist. I want to bulk delete a bunch, so I am going in search of a tool which is better than the default ability in WP.

[Gave up on that.]

Here’s where I knew I had a problem. I have become kind of a numbers nut, seeing a power law distribution everywhere. If you can group things, you can get them to show you a power law. Well, typically. In the past I have gone into the WP user management area, searched for users from a given domain, and gone from there. For example, anybody with an email address ending in is gone for sure. Except on … Continue reading

Enjoying the Windows Subsystem for Linux

I am, I suppose, the worst sort of computer user. I know so much about this stuff that I am acutely aware of the sheer magnitude of what I do not know, and I know that it is hopeless to attempt mastery, because I do not care that much. So everything is hard and futile, but if you ask me I have a thousand opinions, and each one is the definitive answer.

I am currently enjoying another attempt at learning emacs and trying in general to get back into the unix swing of things. I also just bought a Microsoft Surface Pro (AKA Surface 4). The sweet spot is supposed to be the i5 with 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB of SSD storage. The i3 is … Continue reading

Town Hall Meeting in the Village of the Darned – Wednesday 730pm EDT

It’s that time of the week again, when we connect for another town hall meeting in the Village of the Darned.  We will try to start off @ 730PM unless someone posts an earlier time.

Jam a topic in the comments below and let people read up if you like.

If the software tells you that you’re the only caller, don’t you believe it!  Press on with the access code and you’ll probably find us in there!

US: 515-604-9908

Access Code: [see chat in “BDB Chat” tab above]

Select International Local Dial-in Numbers

Japan +81 3-5050-5104
Switzerland +41 43 550 70 62
United Kingdom +44 330 998 1256

If you need a different number (calling from Uzbekistan, say), let us know in the BDB Chat.

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So the war drums are beating. All across the Potomac the War Party is out with their paint, dancing.

?But should we “respond”. ?If so, how – ie to what degree. Trashing an airbase didn’t seem to make much difference, so ?how many do we have to trash now.

?More importantly, why. ?What is our national interest.

Defending the 2nd.

Of late there has been an inundation of marches, speeches, opinions on talking heads TV, and that ever-present skinny twerp who assaults other people’s livelihoods because of disagreement while giving the communist salute. Hordes of kids suddenly are the smartest thing since Einstein, whose perspicacity we should unquestioningly be following. And all of it is aimed at eliminating the EBR (Evil Black Rifle). No less than a retired SCOTUS justice, Stevens, calls for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Although truth be told, he wasn’t too bright while ON the bench, so one should have little expectation of new-gained insight.

Meanwhile in support of the 2nd we see ….. nothing. Those few “children” who actually ARE wise enough to understand the 2nd and its importance are given no … Continue reading