Sublimating the Republican House Majority

I just don’t understand.  Now Rep. Mike Gallagher is simply quitting, and has arranged his departure so that there can be no speedy replacement by Wisconsin — due to the date he has chosen, his replacement will have to wait until the next general election.

The title of the following Washington Examiner article seems apt:

There never was a Republican House majority

[…] Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) filed a motion to vacate Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and freeze the chamber for the second time this Congress in retaliation for the spending bill.

While Greene’s motion to vacate might draw the most headlines, the motion will not face a vote until she calls it up. It is really Gallagher’s retirement announcement that is the most consequential, because … Continue reading

The Basis of Woke is that Nobody has Standing but the Government

The basis of ‘woke’ is that nobody has standing except the government.  There’s a reason that the government seem to have arrogated royal prerogatives, for indeed it has.  The footsoldiers of this Marxist destruction of western civilization would not appreciate being called the loyal subjects of some monarch, but this is exactly what they are.  They are subjects not citizens, and insist that none of us have the rights of citizens.  Call it Leviathan, the divine right of kings, the dictatorship of the proletariat, the anarcho-whatever libertarian urge, and it’s all the same, yes even the an-caps.  All of these movements or desires, or worldviews, whenever the eschaton gets immanentized, have a couple of features in common, chief among them that no person may be represented in or … Continue reading

Seeking Legal-ish Opinions on a Shared Property Approach to Borders and the General Peace

It seems to me that the key thing in standing, and lacking in most discussions, is the fractional ownership, that is our share, of a property.  What used to be called the King’s Peace is now our peace of course, and the largely obsolete crime of disturbing the peace is not a victimless crime, but a crime against us all.  Without this general peace, you cannot take your child to the park, nor walk with your spouse, nor enjoy a meal at a restaurant.  Yet no individual has standing to claim injury unless they can demonstrate actual harm, it seems.  I don’t know; I have not researched this in depth, and I am speaking only of principles.  But I have spoken of these principles before.  Over at Ricochet, … Continue reading