Meghan Markle Coming Unhinged

Just a quick hit here, so to speak.  Maaan, this is delicious.  I think Markle is getting her come-uppance in the wake of some cooking show debacle.  Rumor is that Netflix has fired her.  I guess that might explain her sudden willingness to “forgive” the British royal family and so forth.

I’m just so disgusted with Harry the Whipped and Markle the Destroyer.  I confess I can’t turn away either.  This is textbook advice for young men about bad women.  The never-ending nature of this sordid story is part of the warning.

I wish I could link to my piece over at, “The Slowly Bumping Saga of Harry Markle Grinds to a Halt.”  Alas, their business model seems to have hidden everything except podcasts and pro content.  … Continue reading