British Lord Benighted
Lord Andrew Phillip, a washed former member of the House of Lords who says he no longer wants to be called Lord, is Lording it over us Americans. Yes, using his intrinsic Limey superiority, he lays waste to our foreign policy, morals, and intellect. All without needing to rely upon a single fact. Good Lord!
This Lord said:
To quote from the UNHRC Report,
“Following Israel’s withdrawal, Gaza has become a sealed-off, imprisoned, occupied territory.”
Come again? Occupied by whom? Oddly enough, I agree that Gaza and the incredibly modestly named “West Bank” are occupied territories, but this is because they are parts of Israel which are infested with generations of violent hippie squatters. There isn’t a single Israeli living, stationed, or patrolling in Gaza.
Occupied by whom, … Continue reading