Another Good Read

Some of you have heard Brent & I speak well of Mark David Ledbetter’s history series, America’s Forgotten History. MDL tries to show that America’s originating spirit was very much libertarian, and that despite corruption, the nation mostly stuck with this – until about the end of the 19th century, with the rise of “progressivism”. MDL’s latest offerings are an introduction to his 4th volume in the history series, and a stand-alone look at the two defining revolutions of the Western World – the. American and the French. He goes into how these two were different, especially the French, and how events supported one or the other. The name of the stand-alone is Dancing on The Edge of the Widening Gyre. I think you will like it.

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Where were you on November Seventh, Twenty-Twelve?

Here’s where I was — struggling with my emotions, mustering some Generalship for my beleaguered FaceBook group, heavy into politics.  Back when this blog of mine was political (you can still find a bunch of remnants here and there), back when I was a small cheese in a big way in the FB Tea Party scene, back before I had to take a year off of politics from my inability to write or even think about it.  This is where I was a month or two before joining Second Life to find a whole different gang in a whole different context.  Good Lord, what a dump.

But here I was on that miserable day, when I was staggered at the fact that the incumbent President had won re-election.  … Continue reading

The Cost of Illegals

From American Greatness.

Outside the Defensible Perimeter
By Karin McQuillan| May 18th, 2018
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Five years ago, my husband and I bought a house in the emptiest county in America. We went there because the night sky is so dark, you can walk in the high desert by starlight and cast a shadow, so dark you can see distant galaxies and the zodiacal light. Three types of people live in our rural area: amateur astronomers, ranchers, and illegal aliens.

If you climb the mountains behind our house and look south, you look into Mexico. If you climb those mountains to the top, you are on one of the major drug trafficking routes into America. If you stay in the desert … Continue reading

Women in Combat

I am sure everyone here is well aware of the bruhaha that the last SecNav caused by embracing the women in the infantry concept. You are all also probably aware that the Marine Corps resisted strongly. Their data, which they collected over about 18 months, was obviously dismissed as sexist. Yet it showed rather well that women do NOT mix into infantry units well, that such units’ performance is degraded, and that women in infantry units suffer WAY more injuries and more serious issues than men.

This is not surprising. Women, at least to the thinking population, are different than men; the crazies don’t seem to recognize this. Women are simply built physically differently. They have less skeletal muscle, less upper body strength, less weight bearing ability. They … Continue reading

Against a Guest Worker Program

There are many fine arguments for and against a guest worker program, but the whole thing should be a non-starter. Not only is it unconstitutional, it is clearly at odds with every legislative advance made in the rights of Man since… Magna Carta?

It’s bad enough on its face, but consider the implications for the future. Those like me —  who see the dark hand of communism not behind every mishap, but certainly hovering somewhere nearby, ready to capitalize (if you will) on America’s every mistake — will feel a particular threat from a guest worker program.  As Marxism is fueled by dissatisfaction and steered by class struggle, we could hardly invite revolutionary agitation any more efficiently than by creating a dissatisfied underclass in this land of plenty.  … Continue reading