AXIS Snapshot

This post is a “wedge”. You are now viewing the pointy end; more and more will be driven in as I have the opportunity. Please do check back from time to time.

IRAQ–Taken down by US military action. Taking longer than hoped for to stabilize.
IRAN–To be taken down by Iranian Middle Class. Ahmadinejad is helping this cause. Next “Big Thing” from Iran (after the Islamic Bomb) will be Persian Racial-Nationalism. Just because they are an Islamic Republic, they do not have to like Arabs. And they don’t…. more to come–work calls.

UPDATE: Toothless Europe may recommend referring IRAN to the UNSC. Sorry, but the time for that was years ago.

SYRIA–Soon to be taken down by the UN! This is amazing. Perhaps the longest-lasting effect … Continue reading

New Strain of AIDS Blamed on Risky Behavior (Graphic)

This is a re-post from my old blog based on a newspaper article from mid-2005.

Of course the real news behind this is not a new strain of AIDS, but the fact that somewhere, someone in the mainstream media actually let a story about promiscuity, homosexuality, drug abuse, and AIDS get past the filters of Political Correctness. I presume one more newspaper editor has been added to the pool of available talent–unemployed.
In the Washington Times article, the two patients are referred to as CTO1 and CTO2. CTO1 has been determined to be “Patient Zero” for the new strain of AIDS.

United Press International – The Washington Times, America’s Newspaper
“Mystery AIDS strain ‘patient zero’ found
By Ed Susman
Jul. 26, 2005 at 7:33AM
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A look at Google’s Motivation for the Week







Filter Chinese Google

Resist U.S. Subpoena


NOTE THAT the only shred of defense Google can muster is its argument that it is protecting user’s privacy by refusing to comply with the subpoena from the U.S. Government. When we take into account the fact that this is total horseshit, then this item slides left, over into the Gain Profit, Evil Principle square. SO much for their corporate motto. Perhaps we … Continue reading

Get Congress off its ass, and on the Supreme Court's!

Here’s a great link!

Items in bold are not my own words and require replacement. They formed the core of an article I was expanding at, but it grew until I decided to walk off the original text and craft my own from start to finish. It was a good jumping-off point.

Alos, HAWK, look at the sheet of paper you wrote on about the DEAD HAND OF GINSBURG.

Our government was established with three branches of government to function as an interlocking system of checks and balances. The Constitution is the primary source of instruction under which our government operates, and spells out what the three branches are to do. Further, all laws not embodied in the Constitution must be compatible with that document, or … Continue reading

Boy Scouts, No; Muslim "Youth Camp", Yes!

The Iowa City Press-Citizen (hat tip:LGF:zee) carries this story about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers leasing land to the “Muslim Youth Camps of America”.

Under the lease, the more than 114 acres of federal land can be used intermittently by non-profit groups during the non-camping season with a total of about 1,500 people a year.
Lynne Kinney, who lives across from the camp site, said the scaled-back plan will make the Muslim youth camp much more like the Girl Scouts’ Camp Daybreak used to be. The Girl Scouts used the area until a 1990 fire destroyed their Camp Daybreak lodge.

This is the same Federal Government that can’t have anything to do with the Boy Scouts of America because somewhere, somehow, they might be a little religious.

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The Problem with Korea

That’s right, Korea, not South Korea, not North Korea. We need to start thinking in terms of a unified but struggling state. South Korean politics, never really democratic, seem increasingly to hinge upon nationalism through abuse of some other country. Sometimes it’s China, or Russia, and now it’s Japan. I could be tempted to see the Takeshima/Dokdo and Yasukuni issues as natural and simmering, were it not for the gruesome pictures which Korean children are posting about town, depicting…