Supreme Court On Trial

This pivotal case before the Supreme Court is a bridgehead for a conservative restoration of government.  Our government is required by law to be run according to the Constitution, not according to the counter-Constitutional wishes and dreams of progressive Supreme Court Justices.  The question is, upon which shore will this bridgehead be located?

  • If ObamaCare is upheld, then the Supreme Court demonstrates itself sufficiently unmoored by generations of complicated precedent from the plain meaning of the Constitution that it no longer has the moral authority to interpret the document.
  • If ObamaCare is struck (stricken?) down by the Court, then the full function and trend of the government stands accused of the same problem, but by the Supreme Court rather than just by the supposed “rabble” of the … Continue reading

Legal Question

[pullquote]Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) called the CLASS Act “a Ponzi scheme of the first order” — WaPo 2009[/pullquote]If a law is made under fraudulent circumstances, is it a law?  I realize that this is ridiculously vague, and I just happen to have an example in mind — ObamaCare.  It is my understanding that (let me be brief) the Slaughter rule was not invoked because budget-neutral reconciliation offered a way to pass the bill piecemeal, but only with the addition of the CLASS Act.  Well, the CLASS Act fell away long ago, and nobody was suroprised–it was always doomed to fail, an accounting trick designed to make the bill eligible for reconciliation rather than committee work on new bills.  Or something.

I realize that the … Continue reading

Prediction: Obamacare Mandate Slapped Down 7-2

The real question is whether or not the Court will “sever” the provision from the rest of the law.  I predict a robust smackdown of the mandate itself, combined with a weasel-worded upholding of the rest of the law with a shoddily justified severance.  I predict that the court will decline to comment on whether a law passed through reconciliation with the aid of a fraudulent neutral accounting is a law at all.  Honk if you know what I’m talking about.

Communist Fonda to play Nancy Reagan (not for long)

Jane Fonda, communist traitor, is slated to play Nancy Reagan in yet another progressive crapfest from the capital of degradation Hollywood.   Google’s first hit on this sorry story is from Vogue (go figure), with the headline calling Nancy Reagan a “conservative icon”.  Newsflash, Vogue, and the rest of you goose-stepping, poo-flinging progressive commie trolls:

We never viewed Nancy Reagan as a conservative icon; we have always viewed her as the loving and devoted wife of the President we love.  That makes her one of us for better or for worse, through thick and thin, no matter what.  Nancy Reagan is good people, like family, and we will never let you take her.


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JetBlue, Madmen, Passengers, and the TSA

Just would like to point out that once again, passengers have taken care of business in the air.  Not only has the TSA never stopped a real threat, they never will.  They sit back and spin yarns about deterring attacks, but the TSA’s ratio of sexual-assaults-to-maniacs-subdued is not encouraging when compared to that of passengers in general.

We are over ten years into the DHS experiment, which was designed to tear down the Gorelick Wall, and at great expense.  Not only is it a complete failure, with the Wall back up and functioning (bureaucratic personal paranoia beats duty to protect a faceless public again), but Gorelick herself now serves as an advisor to Obama’s Pentagon.  And for all the money spent to fail, the DHS actually refuses Continue reading

The Problem With

[pullquote]posts incessantly about politics in Turkey[/pullquote]The problem is a particular editor, and much to her potential horror, I have sprinkled this post “liberally” with some salty vocabulary.  She’s an editor, and for all I know, she bankrolled the whole operation.  So maybe it’s hers and the rest of us can just go fuck ourselves.  For some reason, she posts incessantly about politics in Turkey where she lives, and wants us all to know that they are not a threat; just misunderstood… by… well us, apparently.  I live in Japan, but I don’t think is where to bang on about it.  Now she seems like a nice enough person, but the fight in which we are currently engaged is a battle against nice-enough people whose notion of … Continue reading

How to Obama

This stuff is child’s play when your opponents are children.

Announce outrageous power-grab with vocal minority support.

  • This will arouse powerful and justified opposition.

Amid furor, weakly defend worst part of it.

  • This will focus opposition on an easy win for them.

Announce that the worst part will be withdrawn.

  • This will energize your friends and placate your opponents.

Resume the bad parts but in different phrasing.

  • You now have a free hand because the tension surrounding the issue has been discharged, and those who rightfully point out what you are doing will be dismissed as unreasonable.

The key is to keep several of these processes in motion at all times; long … Continue reading

Cleansing the Liberal Conscience

I recall Steve Jobs’ point about looking out the window and realizing that everything you see was built by people not better than you or me.  Not smarter, not stronger, just working toward a goal.  Jobs said that thought changed his life.

The #Occupy types have committed a stupid error, incited by the Marxist destroyers of our culture.  When faced with a realization like Jobs’ above, you see it for what it is: not a fact about other people, but a choice about yourself.  Those who accomplish nothing of note must convince themselves that they did not fail.  They do this by trying to convince others that they did not fail, and thus mutually reinforce their conscience-salving illusion.

This is similar to the way that those who have … Continue reading

Abortion Proposal

I propose the blanket legalization of abortion if the putative mother will file charges of rape or incest in court.

Whenever I debate abortion with a person who favors it, the incest or rape issue is trotted out as the big reason that none of my points are valid.  There is a saying that hard cases make bad law, and at any rate, the Pareto principle tells me not to waste my time with the numerically insignificant intractables.

1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest; 6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child, and 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient).   –The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform

I was … Continue reading