Iran and the Establishment

Daniel Greenfield over at Sultan Knish blog has put up an interesting review of the Jewish actions in America over the last century. He draws parallels to what is happening today vis a vis Iran and the bomb. His closing remarks are:

The establishment will not stand up to Obama, just like it didn’t stand up to FDR. The real action will come from ad-hoc coalitions, like the one behind the Stop Iran Rally, that throw things together. And it will come from a handful of kids somewhat that do what the adults aren’t doing.

Bergson was in his early twenties when he began his activism. Dennis Prager was in his early twenties when he began working as the national spokesman for Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry. … Continue reading

Adapting to Life

I am a kind of gunslinger, traveling for work to where I am needed. I work busy ED’s so the usual length of a “contract” is about a year. This one here in Evansville has been most unusual in that I have been working here for about 4 years, way longer than locums stints go.

I generally work 3-4 days in a row, then go home for a “rest”. Sometimes it amounts to merely washing dirty clothes and repacking by bag with clean stuff, getting to play ball with the dog a bit, and a dinner or two with my wife. Now that I am an official “old guy” I try to only work about 10 shifts per month. That usually translates into about 13-14 days away from … Continue reading


I am not a constitutional scholar (although I suspect I may know more about it than BHO). So some of the debate that I am hearing is a little over my head.

More particularly, ?just what does “incorporatioin” mean, when referring to the constitution. MY sense is that it means that something is essential in the constitution, given to the Fed, so not usupable by states (or other government entities).

But I also understand that when the constitution was written, it was intended to be directly applicable to the fed ONLY, and that states, other than specific banned actions (making foreign treaties, taxing goods across their state line, etc.) were free to decide whatever they wished on these matters. So the Bill Of Rights is NOT incorporated, but … Continue reading

Legal Lawlessness

My, my! What a week for the demonstration of arrogance in government!

We began with the “defense” of Obamacare, now called by Scalia and taken up by a congressman as SCOTUScare, where we were treated to the nonsensical “thought” of the Chief Justice that since congress intended something, and it’s clearly UNCLEAR what it intended as it was passed in the dead of night with no one reading it, while we were told the nonsensical “We have to pass it to find out what’s in it.”, we must now create law to save it. This despite the fact it is pretty obvious to any even casual observer that congress <i>now</i> is against Obamacare, and only the rearguard actions of the likes of Harry Reid has saved it from … Continue reading

Government Defends Government

Late this morning many of you may have heard that the SCOTUS has upheld Obamacare, despite the plain language of the law. Indeed, Antonin Scalia wrote a blistering minority opinion, and, as only happens rarely, asked and presented it from the bench. His closing comment may be the definitive statement on the SCOTUS behavior – “it should be called SCOTUScare.”

What appears to be on display here is government protecting government. Chief Justice Roberts admitted in his opinion that the law specified “State” but then went on to claim that if the court didn’t support this, the legislation would die, and so the Congressional desires would be thwarted. I, for one, had not been aware that the purpose fo the Court was to keep Congressional purpose alive, even … Continue reading

Fathers’ Day

I tend to view things like Fathers Day rather cynically. That most likely simply represents the troglodyte in me. Generally I find I am a lot more comfortable when speaking or praising others than hearing it of me.

But occasionally I run into something that strikes me. So I offer this little vignette for whatever it may be worth to any others of you. I was moved.