Town Hall Meeting in the Village of the Darned – Wednesday 730pm EDT

(Edit: looks like another busy Thursday morning for me — will try to make it on late — no promises — BDB)
It’s that time of the week again, when we connect for another town hall meeting in the Village of the Darned.  We will try to start off @ 730PM unless someone posts an earlier time.

Jam a topic in the comments below and let people read up if you like.

If the software tells you that you’re the only caller, don’t you believe it!  Press on with the access code and you’ll probably find us in there!

US: 515-604-9908

Access Code: [see chat in “BDB Chat” tab above]

Select International Local Dial-in Numbers

Japan +81 3-5050-5104
Switzerland +41 43 550 70 62
United Kingdom +44 … Continue reading

Town Hall Meeting in the Village of the Darned – Wednesday 730pm EDT

It’s that time of the week again, when we connect for another town hall meeting in the Village of the Darned.  We will try to start off @ 730PM unless someone posts an earlier time.

Jam a topic in the comments below and let people read up if you like.

If the software tells you that you’re the only caller, don’t you believe it!  Press on with the access code and you’ll probably find us in there!

US: 515-604-9908

Access Code: [see chat in “BDB Chat” tab above]

Select International Local Dial-in Numbers

Japan +81 3-5050-5104
Switzerland +41 43 550 70 62
United Kingdom +44 330 998 1256

If you need a different number (calling from Uzbekistan, say), let us know in the BDB Chat.

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McCabe and CNN

So the hot news tonight is the firing of McCabe. For an alternate POV I tuned in CNN. Almost died laughing.

These guys have no points of contact with reality. They keep talking about “theories”, while Fox is reporting facts. They are acting like this was a big surprise. Yet everyone knows it’s been pending for at least 2-3 days.

I for one am glad to see this happen. It finally shows SOME consequences to misbehavior in government. ?What penalty will Lois Lerner ever pay for her misbehavior.

Town Hall Meeting in the Village of the Darned – Wednesday 730pm EDT

It’s that time of the week again, when we connect for another town hall meeting in the Village of the Darned.  We will try to start off @ 730PM unless someone posts an earlier time.

Jam a topic in the comments below and let people read up if you like.

If the software tells you that you’re the only caller, don’t you believe it!  Press on with the access code and you’ll probably find us in there!

US: 515-604-9908

Access Code: [see chat in “BDB Chat” tab above]

Select International Local Dial-in Numbers

Japan +81 3-5050-5104
Switzerland +41 43 550 70 62
United Kingdom +44 330 998 1256

If you need a different number (calling from Uzbekistan, say), let us know in the BDB Chat.

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Town Hall Meeting in the Village of the Darned – Wednesday 730pm EST

It’s that time of the week again, when we connect for another town hall meeting in the Village of the Darned.  We will try to start off @ 730PM unless someone posts an earlier time.

Jam a topic in the comments below and let people read up if you like.

If the software tells you that you’re the only caller, don’t you believe it!  Press on with the access code and you’ll probably find us in there!

US: 515-604-9908

Access Code: [see chat in “BDB Chat” tab above]

Select International Local Dial-in Numbers

Japan +81 3-5050-5104
Switzerland +41 43 550 70 62
United Kingdom +44 330 998 1256

If you need a different number (calling from Uzbekistan, say), let us know in the BDB Chat.

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