Senate Republicans, Stand and Fight!

Stand and fight! You should not even offer amendments. Just block this infernal treachery! These NON-BINDING resolutions have no effect in law, and the symbolic damage is already done. Therefore, it cheapens us to engage in negotiations, and gains us nothing. It will not even profit the Democrats, but they are too stupid to see this. The only winners will be our enemies, and it would be nice to have at least one party which can see that. It would be more than nice, in fact–it is a matter of survival to our very Republic.

You would not entertain haggling over the price of your wife. You would reject the offer on principle, and probably counter-offer a punch in the face. Your country deserves no less.

Stand … Continue reading

How to pay for the Global War On Terror

Some people think that the way to do it is to raise taxes. This is madness.

We pay for the war by maintaining an economy strong enough to kick ass on seven continents and the moon. You do that by keeping taxes low, which actually increases total revenue. If instead you raise taxes, you slow the economy, and you wind up with a larger slice of a smaller pie.

Back by Popular Demand!

I have been away. Not in any physical sense (and no, I was not deployed anywhere), but I have been posting over at Little Green Footballs, a.k.a LGF, which I felt provided me with a far wider audience. Which is true. And the companionship of my fellow Lizards (check LGF to figure that one out). Which is valuable. But I have been solicited by people who want me to update my blog with increasing regularity. I can’t link to it, as these have been actual walking, speaking human beings. People I gave the link to a long time ago, and who tell me months later, “Please post something! I check your blog once a week, and still all I see is the weird Kofi post, or whatever … Continue reading

New York Times Lying, says New York Times Public Editor Byron Calame

Time running out for Byron Calame?
Or for the New York Times?

I’ll make an accusation here: In the end, the New York Times does not much care for honesty.

Please see Michelle Malkin’s column at the Jewish World Review. There are two angles to this story as it relates to the media, which I will relate through some quotes. The first angle is that the NYT has been caught in a lie and is stonewalling, as reported in Malkin’s article:

On Sunday, Calame wrote a stunning column debunking an April 9 New York Times Magazine cover story on abortion in El Salvador. The sensational piece by freelance writer Jack Hitt alleged that women there had been thrown in prison for 30-year terms for having had … Continue reading