In Defense of Roland Martin, the Big Lefty

CNN has suspended Roland Martin in a move that I hope blows up in their pinched, disapproving faces, the shrews.  I’m quoting more than I normally would because I think that the actual “offensive” tweets are being under-reported in order to menace his image with reports of awful things, without the facts.

“Roland Martin’s tweets were regrettable and offensive,” CNN said in a statement. “Language that demeans is inconsistent with the values and culture of our organization, and is not tolerated. We have been giving careful consideration to this matter, and Roland will not be appearing on our air for the time being.”

Those comments, published on his personal Twitter feed, concerned a two Super Bowl ads, including an H&M spot showcasing a new David Beckham underwear line.

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Next Up… "Death with Dignity"

Just looking into my crystal ball here.  Sooner or later, the Marxists of the Obama administration are going to have to address the “Death Panel” aspect of ObamaCare.  We already see the body of the beast, in the 15-member Independent Panel Advisory Board (IPAB), which is supposed to rule on which medications and treatments are cost-effective for various patient conditions.  Unseen so far is the spirit, the animating argument that the IPAB will have to make in order to push granny off the wagon.

As they are shoehorning their baby-killing habit into every nook and cranny of our society under the rubric of “fairness”, I predict that the much-discussed “end of life counseling” talking point will morph into a supposedly grass-roots “death with dignity”, Kevorkian style of argument.

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GOP War on Tea Party

I’ve said for a while that the GOP has been at war with the Tea Party, and that we have few options as a result.  Here’s my update:

The GOP is using Romney and Paul to permanently defeat the Tea Party.  The Romney campaign and the Paul campaign have apparently reached an accommodation which gains Paul and his kooks a seat at the convention, and which all but guarantees a primary win for Romney.  Santorum’s continuing candidacy is icing on the cake, but I am confident he is not part of this deal.

The real threat of this is that the Paul deal is a long-term weapon.  By perpetuating … Continue reading

UPDATE: SO far so good: Test post to see if the Blog is up.

I have been unable to post for about a week, which has been incredibly frustrating. I have had to do open heart massage on this thing, rebuilding tables and manually scuffing up config files. So far, so good, but it’s time to stop using plugins developed by do-gooders for fleeting causes. I think that is what added blank lines to my config files in sloppy automated edits. I had a corrupted wp-otions table too, but I believe that was a consequence of the config and functions php files not working correctly.