Kick Six

Tea Party People; let’s kick some ass.

Pick six RINO Representatives to defeat in the general.  Direct effects:

  • Demonstrate Tea Party
  • vigilance
  • ability
  • willingness
  • selectivity
  • Punish Establishment
    • subversion of primaries
    • disparagement of conservatism
    • politics over principle

    Why six from the House?  Indirect effects:

    • avoid 3rd party intrigue in presidential race
    • avoid just missing a majority in the Senate
    • avoid an unfocused, destructive vengeance in the House

    I intend for my list to be five Representatives,  plus the sixteen-term current chair of House Appropriations Committee Hal “Prince of Pork” Rogers, who has been on my defeat list for two years.

    This plan is an expansion of the excellent idea laid out by the Rockford, IL Tea Party.  Defeat the following … Continue reading

    Economy Shudders, Cracks Appear

    I have a bad feeling about this.  Home values continue to drop, which in and of itself is not a bad thing.  The fact that loan programs are operating in ignorance of this predictable fact, and that government policies are struggling against it are truly disturbing.

    Some quotes from a Reuters article (hat tip Paul Yoh)

    “The overwhelming majority of the U.S. is still seeing home prices decline,” said CoreLogic senior economist Sam Khater. “Many borrowers continue to be quickly wiped out.” — Reuters

    This “wipe out” is only meaningful if you are using the home primarily as an investment vehicle rather than as a place to put your family and all your stuff.  After all, a home which loses ALL of it’s value, sale price … Continue reading

    No Newt Tale To Tell

    It’s a simple thing.  Newt is out.  On to business.

    Following the conclusion of Saturday’s White House Correspondents Dinner, TheDC asked Gingrich if reports of him dropping out of the race on Tuesday, May 1 are accurate.

    “Probably about Wednesday,” Gingrich replied, adding that he will be supporting Romney.

    via Newt Gingrich | Dropping out | Supports Mitt Romney | Date | The Daily Caller.

    If you think that staying at home, forging a “third” party (there are over twenty), or stumping for Obama to “teach the GOP a lesson” are what to do, try this instead.  Punish the GOP where it will hurt them, but not us.

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    Tea Party Targets RINOs

    Okay, Tea Party People, if you were ever tempted to spike an election to make a point, this should be right up your alley.  Drop RINO Kinzinger to punish Cantor for subverting primaries.

    Let me start by saying that we are likely to gain seats in the House.  At any rate, with a 100+ margin, we are completely unlikely to lose control of the House, or even come close.  Nothing is guaranteed, and here is where we make a little risk decision: we cut loose the top five or so RINO representatives.  Let them fail.  And by “top”, I mean those whose existence involves GOP meddling or treachery.  Oh, and Hal Rogers.

    Here’s a fascinating bit of strategery for the 16th Congressional … Continue reading

    GOP Begs Democrats to Sabotage Indiana Republican Primary

    The Young Guns Network sent this flyer to Indiana democrats, beseeching them to vote for Lugar against Tea Party favorite Mourdock.

    “Indiana does not have party registration,” the mail piece says over a picture of a smiling child giving a thumbs-up sign. “You simply need to show up at your polling location on May 8, 2012 to vote for Senator Dick Lugar in the Republican Primary.”

    In case anyone didn’t get the point, the piece adds, “You can vote in the May 8th Republican Primary election! The May 8th Election is open to all voters.”

    At other points ,the piece says Lugar, who is seen as facing an uphill battle against the conservative-backed insurgent, “has always represented mainstream Indiana values.”

    — via Cantor-allied Young Guns Network urges … Continue reading

    The Biggest Loser

    The President tells the troops that “each of us is here because somebody, somewhere, had our back”, and launched into his usual big government rhetoric. It’s dishonest, and disgusting. Listen to the audio.

    [pullquote]the President had no family[/pullquote]For most of us, they who had our back were family. The President thinks that government is supposed to have our back. This is because the President had no family. He is a person whose early life vulnerability made him an easy mark for co-opting by statist masters. A family would have saved Mr. Obama from the Marxists. He has no faith in anything other than government; not God, not family, not community. In his view, if government does not do it, it is suspect.

    I actively resist the efforts … Continue reading

    Long Live the God-Damned Nominee

    [pullquote]no honor in sabotage[/pullquote]This is a tough one, folks.  I confess, I am writing this after the 5x primary loss but before any announcement from the Newt campaign.  I have always said that I will support the nominee, and I meant it.  Now I have been careful to couch that in artful terms while promoting Cain and later Gingrich, but it has always been true.  For many, the difficulty will be felt as a matter of honor, but there is no honor in sabotaging your own team just because you do not get everything you want.

    I always tried to keep my ironclad nominee support on the down-low, because I never liked the default nominee.  Unlike that chump Boehner, I do not open proceedings by surrendering the only … Continue reading

    Guardian Nails TSA

    The following is a post by Jennifer Abel, retrieved from the Guardian.  I am keeping a local copy, not for publication.

    The TSA’s mission creep is making the US a police state

    The out-of-control Transportation Security Administration is past patdowns at airports – now it’s checkpoints and roadblocks

    Ever since 2010, when the Transportation Security Administration startedrequiring that travelers in American airports submit to sexually intrusive gropings based on the apparent anti-terrorism principle that “If we can’t feel your nipples, they must be a bomb”, the agency’s craven apologists have shouted down all constitutional or human rights objections with the mantra “If you don’t like it, … Continue reading

    Gingrich Secret Service Protection Nothing Unusual

    The Washington Post has a good article about Secret Service protection of candidates.

    Campaign trail security dates back to 1968, when Congress authorized protection of major presidential candidates after the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in California, according to the government official, who provided the following information on behalf of the Secret Service but wasn’t authorized to speak publicly on the issue.

    By law, major-party presidential nominees and their running mates receive Secret Service protection during the general election, but candidates may seek protection earlier in the cycle if they meet a series of polling and fundraising thresholds.  —Washington Post, 11/18/2011


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