Response to SooperMexican on my calling him pro-Amnesty

SooperMexican says I am misrepresenting his position when I say that he has come out for amnesty (and benefitted mightily from it). The benefit I’m talking about is that now (I say) that he has come out for amnesty, he gets guests like Dana Perino, famous Bushie and fairly RINO TV personality.

But it’s my characterization of the position itself he objects to, so I will just briefly describe why I say he’s now pro-amnesty. All of my evidence comes from his podcast, episode #21, after which I stopped listening. He made his case clearly, repeatedly, bluntly, and at times by stepping all over his co-hosts by pulling racial expertise as some sort of trump to plain facts and an ideological basis for positions.

He says that the … Continue reading

Putting iTunes on my NAS

So far so good.

The tools I have used are Dupin2, TuneUp, and an interminable series of iTunes versions. Also in the mix, the embedded iTunes server on my Western Digital MyBook Live.

Briefly, I used Dupin2 to analyze my MacBook Pro iTunes library for possible duplicates.  There were a lot of false positives at this stage, because y library was all hosed from years of dumping and insufficient curation of my stuff.  Turn Dupin2 loose on your library, and then inspect the results — take no action on the first several passes.  This is a laborious process, and I had to get comfortable with tuning the thing in order to start seeing the results I wanted.  Of course, what makes this valuable is that we have the … Continue reading

Home Network Progress; Backups and Servage

Been having some fun with my home network.  Fun finally, because it has been not fun at all for quite a while.  I’m now winning on both of my NAS devices, which is letting me feel a bit more optimistic about returning to a sensible backup flow.  Been sort of commando for several months now, and that’s not good.  If you’ve ever been stung by data loss, you know how important backups are.  But there’s a lot of real estate between knowing what you need and getting it to work.

My overall plan has been to do frequent backups to the first NAS, which I also want to serve content.  Then that thing should do weekly backups to a slow, bulletproof NAS.  The NAS-to-NAS backup has never worked. … Continue reading

Apple Snobs, Quality, and the MagSafe2

I am not alone in my consternation over the ridiculous power situation of the MacBook Air.  Shelley Palmer tells Apple just where they can stick their MagSafe 2 plug in a well-reasoned blog post entitled “Dear Apple – Let Me Tell You Where To Stick Your MagSafe 2 Plug”.

As it turns out, there is a very ugly, non-Apple-like solution available from Apple.  For $9.99 you can purchase a MagSafe to MagSafe 2 converter and stick it into your new, beautiful, extraordinary MacBook Air. Really?  For $2,500 bucks?

I hear you. I have one of the early, small, sucky MBAs, and aside from my frustration at not being able to use my 2009 MBP power at home and leave the new one in the bag … Continue reading