Why Smart People Become Liberal Idiots — Second Draft

Let’s face it–there’s a lot of brainpower going to waste behind the Neuron Curtain of accepted Liberal discourse in this country. Not all of those University professors are idiots–neither are all of their students. The starlets and leading men of Hollywood had to work hard to get where they are, and more to the point, they had to navigate levels and mazes of treacherous studio politics. I can’t make any sense of Hollywood–can you? They did.

So while Heaven knows there is no shortage of stunningly stupid people on the left, mental retardation is not actually synonymous with liberalism in American politics (and for those of you from or in someplace not America, we use the terms liberal and conservative somewhat differently here–beware). What is synonymous with … Continue reading

Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) lays down the LAW!

This is how a Leader handles business. A short statement fromm Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) Chairman, Senate Intelligence Committee:

“This is Senator Pat Roberts. In all of the furor in Washington, and the criticism about the intelligence community’s capability of detecting and stopping terrorist attacks–I have a warning. This business of continued leaks, making it possible for terrorists to understand classified information about how we are preventing their attacks on America is endangering our country, and it is endangering intelligence sources, methods, and lives.

Now I think the great majority of American people get it. Al-Qaeda is at war with the United States. Terrorists are planning attacks even as I speak. But, through a very effective and highly classified program, we have stopped these attacks. … Continue reading

President Bush's 'Fourth Way'

As President, Bill Clinton popularized the ‘Third Way’, which was one of the incarnations of triangulating against one’s own base and the opposition. The Third Way, when successfully executed, yields a healthy percentage of the moderate middle, while alienating only a small percentage of the hard-core base, which will still likely vote along party lines.
Long story short; in failing to deal effectively with the Mexico problem, President Bush is pioneering the Fourth Way, in which an attempted appeasement of the middle will fail to yield any of the moderate vote, while radicalizing the base to the extent that they do not vote, or even protest in disgust by voting for another candidate.
Even President Reagan could not leap this chasm in two short hops–the 1986 amnesty was … Continue reading

The Proper Response from Bush to Ahmadinejad

Look at this:
My Way News – Officials: Iran’s President Writes to Bush

“In the letter, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad proposes “new solutions for getting out of international problems and the current fragile situation of the world,” spokesman Gholam-Hossein Elham told a news conference.”

This took me about fifteen seconds, but I’m a little slow tonight. Here is what President Bush should tell his polar opposite:

“The next time I speak to an Iranian dictator it will be over your dead body. Trust is important and I will never trust you. If you think that you’ll get a different answer when I am no longer President, you go ahead and wait. You and the horse you rode in on. Meanwhile, your nucular [sic] program needs to stop. … Continue reading

Southern California Name Contest

Please submit your witty name conflating the current mess in California with Middle-Eastern themes. I am disgusted every time I see millions of people marching in America. Next thing you know, we’ll be rending our garments and ululating over spilt milk, but only when the cameras are on.


The Calistinian Authority.
Hassan Diego.

And so on.

A winner will be selected by my subjective standards, unless I am shouted down by a massive reader outcry. Who says that Snivelry is dead?

AND if anybody think this is racist, ethnist, or any of the rest of that, consider who claims Everything For The Race. Hint: Race is pronounced “Raza” in that motto.

I see very real parallels between on the one hand, the Arab … Continue reading

A Day Without Illegal Immigrants–GREAT!

Today was a great day! My hourly wage TRIPLED, my Federal Taxes were SLASHED, I didn’t have to wait at the health clinic today, and when I got out of there, the bill was a LOT less than what I’m used to paying! To top it all off, my daughter’s reading level went up by a WHOLE GRADE overnight, because her class had not been held back for years by children in families who refuse to assimilate but stumble along with Spanglish instead. Can I please have EVERYDAY without illegal immigrants?


The American Worker

Communist May Day Celebrated by Millions in American Cities

Never mind the actual issue most Americans are considering; illegal immigration. Put that aside for a moment and look instead at something in the background of Today’s events. Real Power.

The demonstrations, scheduled for the first day of May, are a show of force by the still very healthy international Communists. Through groups like International A.N.S.W.E.R., the global Communist movement captures the energy of any center-to-left political faction and perverts it for the purposes of the Communists.

Why on earth would a protest about illegal immigration from Mexico be held on May first, when the fifth of May is so close? May fifth in Spanish is Cinco de Mayo, which is Mexican Independence Day. It would make much more sense for millions of people from Mexico to … Continue reading