Victory Victory Victory! Because nothing else is acceptable.

I saw a remark online that Afghanistan was turning into a “Death Spiral”. That set me off.

Afghanistan is difficult, as any honest person will admit, and will remain difficult for quite some time. Expect to see advances and setbacks. Expect to see every little bit of negative news from there magnified either by our enemies or their enablers in the MSM. And expect us to remain there for a long, long time.

I am just coming back from my first tour there. I am currently in Kuwait, waiting on plane. I will probably go back at some point, either in the military, or with some other agency (looking at options to serve).

You will hear a lot of complaining about things, and a lot of that is … Continue reading

Victory Victory Victory! Because nothing else is acceptable.

I saw a remark online that Afghanistan was turning into a “Death Spiral”. That set me off.

Afghanistan is difficult, as any honest person will admit, and will remain difficult for quite some time. Expect to see advances and setbacks. Expect to see every little bit of negative news from there magnified either by our enemies or their enablers in the MSM. And expect us to remain there for a long, long time.

I am just coming back from my first tour there. I am currently in Kuwait, waiting on plane. I will probably go back at some point, either in the military, or with some other agency (looking at options to serve).

You will hear a lot of complaining about things, and a lot of that is … Continue reading