A Colonel of Truth

by Andy Weddington
Thursday, 26 November 2015
First published Thursday, 22 November 2012 – Thanksgiving Day

“A Marine should be sworn to the patient endurance of hardships, like the ancient knights; and it is not the least of these necessary hardships to have to serve with sailors.” Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery

Not everyone can be a Marine. Not everyone wants to be a Marine. And, some that want to be a Marine are told they do not have what it takes to be a Marine. But once you are a Marine, you are a Marine for eternity. It was a Marine who … Continue reading

France in the Attack

Everyone is aware of the events of Friday in France. Pres. Hollande has responded “with vigor”. As we speak, the French authorities are conducting raids on muslim strongholds, arresting left and right, and engaging the authorities of neighboring nations in the dragnet for violent muslims.

But “violent muslim” is pretty much a redundant term. Violence is imbedded in islam. The old Flip Wilson remark, “The devil made me do it,” may be an integral part of islam ideology. One cannot solve such derangement with whack-a-mole arrests.

Let us also remember that France is about the size of Massachusetts. All of Europe would fit into New England. WE, OTOH, have not done much to forward any such attack. We send troops to fight, more or less halfheartedly. I have … Continue reading

Important Date!

In case some of you out there are not aware, one of THE great dates in history is coming up for celebration here very shortly.

I speak, of course, of the United Stated Marine Corps BIRTHDAY! 10 November, 1775 – Tun Tavern.

This is a time of serious revelry, the consumption of much 2-carbon-chain liquids, the wearing of uniforms (if they still fit) and overall a day for feeling superior to all other human beings (sorry! can’t be helped!)

In that spirit, I post this link (I hope it comes through) It is of a rock group called Madison Rising. They have (elsewhere) a great rendition of the national anthem, too.

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