Supercommittee: n. A Congress small enough for a President to carry around in his purse.
Supercommittee II
I’m not quite up to speed on the details of the latest Supershenanigans, largely because I have stopped paying attention. This was a farce to begin with, and now we’ve come to the smelly end of it.
Supposedly, if they identify a certain amount of cuts, then the debt ceiling goes up, but if not, then it stays where it was lifted a while back, and if there’s no agreement whatsoever, then they gut defense and mildly inconvenience some social spending.
[pullquote]Old Democrats know how to wield power, whereas old Republicans know how to avoid responsibility.[/pullquote]This was a bad deal to begin with, and only a feckless Republican leadership would have signed on to a deal that held defense hostage as a guarantor of diplomacy. So feckless that … Continue reading