Utah Professor Charged With Watching Child Pornography On Flight To Logan Airport In Boston « CBS Boston

Here’s an awesome statement from Massachusetts State police spokesman David Procopio on the arrest of that Professor watching kiddie porn on a cross-country flight:

In the view of the State Police, child pornography is a form of child sexual abuse–nothing less. Those who possess it — a crime unto itself — foster an evil network that sexually abuses and exploits children irreparably… One hopes there is a special place in Hell for the evil people who make, trade, and possess child pornography.  Until they get there, we are committed to putting them in jail.

via Utah Professor Charged With Watching Child Pornography On Flight To Logan Airport In Boston « CBS Boston.

This was, by the way, on a laptop paid for with the endless grant money that … Continue reading

Pakistan Civil War

For all my criticism of our recent conduct in abandoning critical interests, I feel that the real loser in this week’s outrages in Pakistan is of course, Pakistan.  Pakistan is both a friend and an enemy, and to solve the problem in Afghanistan requires a solution to Pakistan.  The Army, much of the government, and much of the population are friendly to the US, NATO, and western influence in limited but welcome ways.  The intelligence and security services, parts of the military, and a well-connected (internally and externally) religious segment of the population are angling for their place in a post-American middle east, banking on our failure and departure, in no particular order, while working to achieve both.

I suspect that the recent border incident in which we … Continue reading

ACLU and Big Bird Crap on America

Part of the ACLU’s whitewash of our crumbling rights as citizens. It turns out that some kid star from Sesame Street was an illegal immigrant, thanks to his parents. They tried to jump in line by overstaying a visitor’s visa and petitioning for family immigration status.

“My parents, brother and I came from Ecuador when I was seven,” explains Carlo. When the family applied for permanent residency through Carlo’s aunt, who was living legally in America, they didn’t expect it would take so long. For 12 years, Carlo kept his status secret from his closest friends, fearing their reaction.

There’s a reason it took so long, and I do not doubt that young Carlo was completely unaware of it: this process is actually designed to weed out those … Continue reading

Former Iraqi General: Saddam's WMDs in Syria

[Update: Apparently, this has been well-researched and of course poorly reported.  This may be a good time to “make some hay”, as we are slinking away from a crumbling Iraq and Syria is bustin’ loose.  Well, at least there’s Iran to help stabilize the region, right, Murtha?]

I have said all along that the WMDs went to Syria, but I thought the reported “endless convoy” of trucks going north as we came in from the south was the event.  This former Iraqi general says that it was much earlier, using the cover story of relief materiel to aid after a dam burst.  There’s a tent-peg at [the date the dam burst] and November1, 2002.  If he’s right, the WMDs were transferred between those dates.

The “relief” airlift and … Continue reading

Nat'l Org'n for Women Silent on Bachmann 'Bitch' Ambush

Talk to the hand:

[Update: This post was one of several in response to Jimmy Fallon’s band playing “Lyin’ Ass Bitch” when Michele Bachmann walked onstage, and incomprehensibly, all that happened was a band member was “severely reprimanded”. I (still) find that unacceptable, while it seems not to bother the NOW.]

National Organization for Women: What EVurr…

The National Organization “for Women” remains in an abusive relationship with the Marxist Democrats, since way back in the Clinton days, when they could not be bothered to support a single woman who claimed (or later proved) that they had been used or abused as sex toys by the Philanderer-in-Chief.

If that silence made you … Continue reading

LA Times Blog Lies for Fallon Drummer Questlove

So there’s an LA Times blog taking this on.  Know why this is in a blog?  Because they couldn’t tote these lies in the news section with a straight face.  Not today, anyway.  Maybe tomorrow:

Bachmann spent much of Wednesday lashing out at NBC on various media outlets while plugging her new autobiography.

Meanwhile, Roots bandleader Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson says it was a “tongue-in-cheek and spur-of-the-moment decision.”

via Michele Bachmann receives apology from NBC over Jimmy Fallon gag – latimes.com.

Why “lashing”?  Why “plugging”?  This is how they discuss an apology being tendered to Bachmann–by slamming her.

And then the second bit is flat-out untrue.  There was nothing “spur-of-the-moment” about the ambush, which he tweeted well in advance.

Way to go, LA Times.  It’s what we’ve come … Continue reading

NBC Suits Attempting Damage Control for Fallon

NBC apologizes to Michele Bachmann, ‘severely reprimanded’ Fallon band | Inside TV | EW.com.


“Severely reprimanded”–what does that mean?  Did the network hide the band’s dope, or make them take down their Janeane Garofalo posters?  You do not “reprimand” a musician, or a band–you fire them.  Now because NBC has not seen fit to fire this band or even the ringleader whose idea it was to play that song, what are we supposed to think?

There is an easy way out.  Fire Jimmy Fallon.  That’s whose name is on every show, and that’s who gets to soak up the blame.  You want your own show?  Great, you own it.  Apologies are more than words.

Continue reading

Fire Jimmy Fallon (and his bitch wife, too)

[Update: This post was one of several in response to Jimmy Fallon’s band playing “Lyin’ Ass Bitch” when Michele Bachmann walked onstage, and incomprehensibly, all that happened was a band member was “severely reprimanded”. I (still) find that unacceptable, and I fired back. Naturally, I am sure that Mrs. Fallon is a nice lady–which is THE POINT.]

How do you like it Jimmy?  I aim to see you fired.  Yeah, seriously, no offense, etc, whatever, but you and your bitch wife gotta go.  I know you’ll understand.

Your apology is neither required nor desired.

Jimmy Fallon and Wife from http://www.flickr.com/photos/sharongraphics/3295625455/in/photostream/

 Jimmy Fallon & wife & Producer, Nancy Juvonen | Flickr – Photo Sharing!.

Conservatives, get off your asses and … Continue reading

The Point

The Constitution is the instrument by which we arrange for our own government to act in accordance with the noble principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence.  Therefore, it is sometimes the Court, sometimes the States, sometimes the populace, and so forth which I support in a given struggle, so long as that actor forwards a position more in keeping with the purposes in the Declaration.

I do not find it difficult at all to “reconcile” Constitutional conservatism with advances in society which are beneficial.  The three branches of the federal government act to check and balance one another, just as the states, the feds, and the numerous individuals act to check and balance one another.

It is entirely conservative to support change if that change brings a … Continue reading

Of, By, and For: Lincoln vs Obama

Abraham Lincoln was guided by an over-arching belief in the rightness of our nation’s founding concepts:

…we here highly resolve … that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Barack Obama also believes in a government of the people, by the people, and for the people–he just thinks that those are different groups of people. That is exactly the difference between conservatives and progressives.

Progressives believe that the most intelligent and most moral of society must be in charge, and they believe that systems of credentials established within progressive enclaves can reliably indicate those qualities. They believe that this ruling class must have the power to compel the human development of those more backward or more simple than … Continue reading