Bad Cop on Streets, Good Cop in White House

This is the post I had hoped not to publish. I wrote this doom & gloom post at the same time I wrote this far more sanguine post regarding the “Occupants”, around this point:

These are not anti-globalization hooligans upset about where their coffee is harvested.  These are our fellow Americans ruined by our Marxist indoctrination system of culture and education, embittered by pre-ordained foreclosures of too-good-to-be-true loans that the banks made at the point of the government’s guns, and whipped into a teeming mass by the Provocateur-in-Chief.

Now is the time to talk our fellow Americans down from the ledge.

We have failed to do this, or the Marxist organizers have simply beat us.  Make no mistake, we are … Continue reading

Occupy Wall Street Pwned by Bums

Sounds like the Marxist morons haven’t quite found in their hearts the convictions they advertise:

“We need to limit the amount of food we’re putting out” to curb the influx of derelicts, said Rafael Moreno, a kitchen volunteer.

A security volunteer added that the cooks felt “overworked and underappreciated.”

Many of those being fed “are professional homeless people. They know what they’re doing,” said the guard at the food-storage area.

via Occupy Wall Street kitchen slowdown targets squatters –

Just a moment.  What gives any of these fools the right to that food?  Why should the food (which none of them grew) be considered “theirs”?  And so what if their work goes unappreciated?  Are they suggesting that the benefit of their labor should be directed as … Continue reading

Income Inequality Numbers

One of the interesting things about being a data-centric person is an appreciation for those who keep their data straight.  It’s right up there with appreciation for those who must straighten out data which has been obscured by others.  By considering an end result such as a “quintile” and then using inferences drawn at that stage as new sources, it is possible to convince oneself of many things which are not true.

For example, the “average income for the quintile” (of US households by income quintile, 2010) is roughly $11K for the lowest quintile, and roughly $170K for the highest.

Two facts will illuminate this seemingly impossible disparity.  First, the lowest quintile has 0.42 earners per household*, while the highest has 1.97.  Second, the age breakdown for the … Continue reading

Draft: Against All Enemies: Ethical Resistance

[This is still a bit rough. The beatings will continue.]

Ethical Resistance in a Constitutional Republic

Are we in the grip of domestic enemies of the Constitution? I believe so.  Because I believe so, I have a duty to consider action to defend the Constitution.  Much hinges upon two questions:

  • Am I correct?  and if so,
  • What action is appropriate?

I will attempt to answer both of these in a train of thought I call Ethical Resistance.  More pointedly, I will try to set up a framework for answering these questions rather than answer them specifically, and hope thereby to teach a man to fish, rather than provide fishsticks.


Employees of the United States Government including all members of Congress are required to take the … Continue reading

Progressive Republican Trolls

I caught some flak from a nice enough but seriously stupid person for my latest post about the GOP’s malfeasance toward the Tea Party.

I already blocked her (this was all on Facebook) so no direct quotes, but she called me a Progressive troll and hoped I would trot out some more modern cliches next time.  She contended that the term “RINO” is a lefty plant and seemed to think that criticism of the GOP from the right was not possible.  In her universe, the GOP is the sum total of conservatism.

How many more of these empty-headed Rockefeller Republicans are clogging up our party?  As I said, we have a far bigger task ahead of us than it seemed–the Republican Establishment and … Continue reading

91-Year-Old Can't Get Voter ID Because Son is Panty-Waist Tool


He said his mother walks with a cane and had to stand in a long line like everyone else.

“The registration process is a snap. You just blow through that. The problem comes when you go to the photo ID place,” she said.

Lasater said there were no places to sit down, and that the testing center made no provisions at all for that sort of thing, and his mother could not stand for that long.

So, they left.

Lasater said it should not be so hard to vote.

Democratic leaders announced this week that they’ve filed legislation to repeal the new voter photo ID law.

via 91-Year-Old Can’t Get Voter ID Because Of Long Lines – | Nashville News, Weather & Sports.

Of … Continue reading

Republicans Risk Third Party

God-Damned Idiots.

I cannot describe how angry I am at the clown-car Republican candidate debates, Chris Christie, Mitt Romney, the punditry, the establishment–yep, pretty much the whole lot of ’em.

I have always been hostile to a third-party gambit; I still am.  But the GOP seems hell-bent to have one.  Ever since the Tea Party behaved magnificently and returned the GOP to power in an historic crushing mid-term defeat of the Communists currently defiling our Capitol, the GOP has been absolutely set on destroying the morale of the organization which restored the spirit of the Republican Party.  Well, it’s not going to work.

If the RINOs insist on sabotaging the work of the Tea Party *to elect Republicans*, they will harm only themselves.  The Tea Party has never … Continue reading

Little Gramscian Monkeys

Get yourself a cup of coffee. The time has come to speak of LGF.

For those who do not know, Little Green Footballs (LGF) is a forum blog run by Charles Johnson, and which was influential and well-respected in its day.  I enjoyed my time there greatly, but I’ve never been able to get right with what Charles Johnson did to a user named “Dianna”.[1]  She’s one of the nicest people one could hope to befriend online, who did him no harm or even insult. Oh sure, Zombie went over the line at times and God knows BabbaZee lived over the line and only occasionally wandered back on this side of it. But when BabbaZee was right, she was right, and she knew about totalitarian control structures. On the … Continue reading