How to Twitter

1) Use Tweetdeck
2) Type this a lot: #
3) Block spammers
Spammers on Twitter are pushing links. They can’t make money from you on Twitter, so they want to get you somewhere that they can.   They want to maximize the number of people they reach, and maximize the percentage of those reached who click on the link.

Spam-bots listen for keywords, or listen to hashtags, or do user searches presumably from other users.  When they see your name pop up because you mentioned a word they listen for, or a hashtag, or they ransacked a friend list for you, then they target you.  They cannot direct message (DM) you, because you are not “following” them.  So they will embed your name in a … Continue reading

The Disappearance of OMNI Magazine

Beyond the Event Horizon of a Quack Hole

I had always wondered what happened to Omni Magazine.    I found (rather Google found for me) an excellent and in passing poignant explanation on a site dedicated to paranormal and conspiracy themes called They may be kooks, but they write well, and this is a remarkably straight-forward article. Nothing seems to have haunted my computer since reading their article, so I can recommend it: Whatever Happened to OMNI Magazine?.


To Do, etc…

This is my utility post. If I have accidentlly published it, kindly look the other way–this is just a scrap of paper lying in the information supergutter. This guy has a good thing going on, and DESPERATELY needs a re-write of his mewling page. I will do it, gratis.
UPDATE: On second thought, his stuff doesn’t look open source. Puck ‘im?

Good to see you again, Dr. Kanamori! *** A Weak Learning Algorithm (WLA) is a simple one which gives a hypothesis with a high error value. Multiple WLA’s can be integrated to reduce the hypothetical error below what is possible with any single WLA. … Continue reading

Syria Coming Apart in 3…2…1…

From the I-TOLD-YOU-SO Department

AP: Former Syria VP Says Assad Should Go.

By ZEINA KARAM, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 31 minutes ago

BEIRUT, Lebanon – A former Syrian vice president who has openly broken with President Bashar Assad intensified his criticism Thursday, saying the Damascus regime had outlived its time and was unlikely to survive much longer.
Abdul-Halim Khaddam, who left his post in the Syrian government in June, was asked in an exclusive interview with The Associated Press interview from Paris whether he supported regime change.
Khaddam said such mistakes, in addition to the Syrian regime’s failure to effect political and economic reforms, caused him to give up on the regime and decide to speak out.
He denied that he … Continue reading