At the beginning of this election cycle there was a general sense of “good things are coming”. Perhaps it was merely a tiredness with Obama and his socialist ideological combat. Perhaps it was a sense that now we just might have a chance to grow the economy and get an overall better standard of living. Perhaps it was the rather large contingent of young politicians who were vying for the brass ring.
The party has dragged on. Jeb attempted to pre-empt the others with money, an old establishment trick, and Bushes are nothing if not establishment. So if you can just collect an apparently insurmountable pile of cash, you will win.
Didn’t work that way. The younger crowd wasn’t so impressed with the cash, and Jeb’s overall lack of fire and aggression didn’t play well anywhere. No one was impressed, and though he struggled mightily to show he could “do the job” – much as Kasich has since – people just didn’t seem to think he even knew what the job was.
And then came Trump. Like a W.C. Fields, he arrived on the scene and began making the comments most people thought ought to be said. He raised the issues people actually worried about. And he was unafraid.
It was refreshing. It was delightful to be once again able to speak to the issues without some faggot claiming you were racist, homophobic, mysoginist. Most of us know we’re not, and these are real issues that need to be discussed.
And yet here we are, with Trump on the verge of winning the republican crown, and things just seem – unsettling. No one specific thing. No one specific complaint. No one clearcut problem. But somehow Trump does not seem the right choise. Yet there is no other.
So once more the blah’s. Depressing.
Adventures are never fun while they are happening. . .
Now, we may have an opportunity to throw off the RNC chains. We have a closed primary here; after that, I’m off the reservation… #NeverTrump. The party may well have left me, so…And Hugh Hewitt sounds like a lunatic right now. Talk radio is tying itself in knots (so what’s new?) and FauxNews is high on something. I don’t know what. I’ve made my choice, found my hill to stand – if not die on. I am content. Good to see you, Dev! Howdy, M!
How so does Hewitt sound like a lunatic? I got tired of his schtick almost exactly four years ago. Not sure what’s up n the Hughniverse.