Live Chat Comey Edition!

Let’s all pile into the chatwagon for the Comey thing! *** VIDEO LIVE ON THE CHAT PAGE ***
I plan to watch the thing live, hang around in BDB Chat, and keep another window open to Twitter (Follow @BallDiamondBall).  Oh, and a couple of beers.  You see, for me, this thing kicks off at 10PM.

Don’t hate me — I usually get the sharp end of this stick.


House Republicans Repeal ^X Replace ^X Reheat ObamaCare

So the deed is done and now the Senate gets to have their say. I think we may assume that President Trump will sign whatever comes his way on this, so the Senate is the real issue. I don’t have a sense of what the Senate will do with this. Will they rubber-stamp it? Vote it down? Mark it up so much that it must go to reconciliation? I suspect the last of those options is what will happen, but that is based only on a generic sense of what the Senate usually does.

What do you think?

Membership in Decline

Here’s a post from 2007, originally published elsewhere.  This was a topic of discussion on a recent AMU.

Steve Stanton, the City Manager of Largo, Florida, wants to be a woman. Didn’t tell his wife. Didn’t tell his son. Didn’t tell the city. Didn’t tell the voters. But when a local newspaper, er, scooped him, he had to go public. Here’s a quote from his hastily arranged television press conference: “I hope my son isn’t watching.”


He has been a very good city manager for years and years. Recently he was publicly rewarded with a salary increase. This doesn’t change the recently revealed basic fact, however, that he is insane. Stark, raving, screaming, cut-off-my-penis-and-call-me-Shirley insane.

Anyone can see that this is a mental illness. If you wanted … Continue reading

Bra Holster Mishap Kills One, Hazards Many

A woman accidentally shot herself, fatally, although she took a full day to die, when she couldn’t adjust her bra holster the way she wanted. This was likely a “Flashbang” brand holster, which is a good product. It fits into women’s carry options in a way that men A) don’t need and B) can’t pull off anyway. Even for concealed carry, guns show through the clothing, or “print” hard on women, who are typically smaller, curvier, and less likely to have unremarkable baggy clothes options. Speaking broadly and frankly, if a man’s pants fit funny, nobody cares.
Check out some of the videos for “Flashbang holster.”  Any product can be used in an unsafe manner.  Flashbangs are still better than a lot of the cheap crap … Continue reading

How to Run in 2016

We will now be bombarded with messages of hatred and bile, condescension and clucking by our betters in the beltway media. “How can X candidate even consider running? Why, she’s never even been a Senator/Professor/Community Organizer!?”
The way for any Tea Party candidate to run in 2016 is to absolutely own the experience argument. Experience in DC is bad. People who have experience are bad. DC is bad.
“I am not going to Washington, D.C. because I like the smell,” said presidential hopeful T. P. Victory, holding a toilet plunger aloft like a saber and rattling it menacingly toward the east coast. “I am going there to do a job that we’re all familiar with, and none of us particularly wants to do. But of the … Continue reading

Constitutional Amendments

I am a big fan of Mark Levin, and in particular of his The Liberty Amendments. I don’t suppose I’m one to do better than he has, so I should refresh myself as to what is in the set he proposes and what is not. Just the same, I would like very much to see some limitations imposed from the Constitution side against the American voters. not because I like this idea very much, but because when push comes to shove, I must not let perfect be the enemy of good. This is how we get Fausted, yes, but there are principles and then there are Principles.
[mantra-pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”33%”]excludes any current … Continue reading


In the face of amazing prosperity, we hear that minorities and such are worse off than ever before. Since the professional worriers cannot stand on absolutes, they retreat to the relative differences of “inequality”. But what if the typical measurements of inequality are also caught up in prosperity? As even the poorest of American poor tend to live better than the middle class of a hundred years ago or even in the majority of the world today, it seems incongruous that American poor have it so bad. Is inequality really so out of hand that this is unbearable? Perhaps the problem is one of measurement.
[mantra-pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”33%”]Are current measures of inequality based on things which mask the effects of prosperity?[/mantra-pullquote] Are current measures of inequality … Continue reading

An Intriguing Post Elsewhere

I ran across the following post while grazing in fields of elder PC nostalgia.   I was going to explain to somebody the difference between stream-oriented and object-oriented text editors.

But never mind that.  I also got to think that I would like to showcase the post at another site where I am but a  lowly commenter with post rights to a scrum feed.  Except this [cryout-pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”33%”]There must be more to writing than simply stockpiling opinions[/cryout-pullquote]didn’t really seem to fit in over there, so I though I would put it up over here.  I worried that it didn;t fit in quite right here either, and if you;re going to run a purpose-fpcused blog, you need some discipline.

But never mind that.  If I’m going to … Continue reading

Reuters, Jews, and Words

A colleague of mine fisked a recent Reuters piece, focusing on their peculiar, consistent word choices.  I think he is right on the money on two scores:  First, that organizations have style guides, and you can judge the guidance by closely reading the results, such as the article below.  Second, Reuters has a Jew problem.

The Reuters piece is reproduced below in order to support an inline critique.  I assert that this is Fair Use.

The bracketed annotations are my colleague’s.  Everything below is either from the original article or those notes in brackets.

Ancient tablets reveal life of Jews in Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon

By Luke Baker

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – A new exhibition of ancient clay tablets discovered in modern-day Iraq is shedding light for the … Continue reading

Today is a Beautiful Day

Today is a beautiful day.

It’s cold and overcast, with a wind that is not actually hostile, although doesn’t seem to like any of us very much. But in my aimless pre-dawn wandering, I crested an overpass on the way to Manassas and was struck by a flare of gaudy salmon pink lancing the cloud cover somewhere over the Atlantic, flooding inland and suffusing a million miles of sky with a fiery underlight. By the time I found a place to take a picture, the world had turned, the glow was gone, and an unknown night had become a tentative day.

I had spent the day before with friends and coworkers at Arlington to pay respects. We took some natural fiber sponges and bottled water to do any … Continue reading