Trinity Waters

About Trinity Waters

Airborne imaging - armament systems integration engineer. Retired. Amateur photographer. RV keeper. Koi keeper. A proud permanent reject of Ricochet.

7 Responses to ATM-Free PDX?

  1. drlorentzdrlorentz says:

    It’s nice to see the Antifas attacking leftists. They are really stupid, aren’t they.

  2. AvatarMJBubba says:

    I had thought that there would be a backlash from ordinary citizens on the Left Coast from street violence and vandalism. I was wrong. Leftists do not seem to mind when violence and vandalism are motivated to advance Leftist causes.

  3. TKC1101TKC1101 says:

    I avoid Portland as much as possible. Other than the Federal Courthouse, I have no reason to go there.

    I find the city depressing and life oozing from it’s pores. Cities without children are enclaves of the hipsters and the wealthy.

  4. Avatarctlaw says:

    Asimov’s First Law of Robotics should not apply to ATMs.

    How great would it be to see a grid of little hipster kill flags painted on the front of your ATM? Add a series of chalk outlines on the sidewalk in front of the ATM…

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