A Peaceful Easy Feeling…

I have finally acquired a sense of Trumpian Zen. After the eight years of concern about the most dangerous president the country ever elected and the constant terror that they would be successful in dismantling the last bastion of freedom, I am finding a sense of peace descending. The media is not longer worthy of following day to day, minute by minute. The White House is mostly sticking to their agenda and trying to learn as they go to avoid pitfalls. What is not happening is a series of dangerous , insane crazy initiatives that will change the republic beyond recognition. The people on the other side now can sweat minute by minute , day by day and waste their energy on the end of their world as… Continue reading

Happy Mom’s Day

(It took four times for my mom to get it right then she bore my younger brother. ) At BDB’s –Where Refills Are Free I want to wish everyone a Happy Mother’s Day. Yes, everyone because all of us have been part of the mothering process from the inside. I don’t know about you but I cried when I got the pink slip and had to enter the “work force”. My Mother’s Day mostly consisted of giving a Mom’s Day call to Florida and having some special strawberry shortcake at church to celebrate the day. Do you know how they celebrate Mother’s Day in South Korea?  

War and Peace – Part Quatre

So far we have concentrated in our discussion on the WAR part. Perhaps it is time to hone in on the PEACE part. ?What exactly IS peace. One definition might be the absence of war. That may be literally true but reeks of the kind of thinking we see today among our “journalists” and “leaders”. Take things at their most superficial and run with it. A bit more contemplation might, however, lead us to Freedom as the definition of peace. After all, freedom is the right to do as you please, to be unfettered by silly or useless regulations, to “spread your wings and fly” so to speak. Of course with freedom comes responsibility. Your actions have consequences. You have to be prepared to face those consequences. Some… Continue reading

Schumer Draws A Red Line

So the Dems are going to shut down the Senate unless Trump appoints a special prosecutor and Sessions is not involved in replacing Hit The Road Jack Comey. I think the media bubble is at full boil and the way past the public giving a damn. So far, Old Mitch McConnell seems to be standing up. Time for some rule changes and killing the filibuster , along with making McCain chairman of the post office naming committee. Meanwhile, jobs are growing and OCare is blowing up. Let us see if the GOP gets a clue and learns to play hardball.

Hints of a Post-Clinton World

Hillary Clinton may unravel at last, thanks to those whom she sought to influence in her family’s shady business trading government favors for private donations. As described in this awesome little article, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh spills the beans on just one example of the (at best) unethical dealings gotten up by the Clinton family.  The article is short, and fills in the details undergirding the claim that then-Secretary of State Clinton “made a personal call to pressure Bangladesh’s prime minister to aid a donor to her husband’s charitable foundation”. While the linked article stands alone as good news for those who have long suspected the illicit quid pro quo nature of the Clinton family’s enterprises, what really makes this noteworthy for me is that this is… Continue reading

Deja Vichy

So France is once again ruled from Berlin by a willing band of turncoat French open-borders and open-legs administrators of decline.  This EU stuff is interesting not only in its own right, but as a cautionary model of the Unites States as well.  The differences are obvious, the similarities not so much, but I posit that the similarities are worth looking into just the same. Whereas the EU lacks an authoritative central government, it remains very much a thing more like a nation-state than any other collection of countries which might also lack such a central government — OPEC, ASEAN, OIC, and so forth.  The only organizations which are more like nation-states are actually declared as such — centrally governed federations like the US and the Russian Federation…. Continue reading