Greetings! I could use some help testing things before I announce that the site is ready for prime time. If you have some moments here and there, I would greatly appreciate a hand making sure that things work in YOUR experience, not just on mine. No fancy knowledge required — the goal is to make sure that nobody needs to know Boo about this to succeed at using the site.
Thank you!
You can comment below, or if your login is borked, hit me up on mail — see info under the JOIN tab above.
I can help you out, BDB.
Epic, thank you. I’ll be working on user logins and avatars etc, but I may just have to scrap current profiles (users will remain, but the avatar will go away). Trying to avoid making anybody re-upload an avatar. But maybe it can’t be helped.
I’ll put some work in on it this weekend.
I will certainly take you up on assistance as needed. Much appreciated!
I’d be glad to test things.
Darnedest thing, I keep getting fixes to work without needing testing. I’m almost disappointed, as I don’t wish to leave offers to help just lying around unclaimed.
That’s ok. Glad things are working!