
The article below takes a somewhat different cut at where the great struggle for ideas is right now. Like many, I have sensed a shift in the way people perceive things, a great change in perspective that usually is the harbinger of social change. We had civil rights, slavery, isolationism and a number of constructs that required a new way of thinking to emerge. I do believe we are seeing a change in thinking and the reason the left is going crazy is they are beginning to realize the world will not return to the old status quo. They have lost the concept high ground and only win with raw naked power. I predict increasing turbulence. Fasten your seatbelts and put your tray tables in a closed… Continue reading

Manly Men

Let’s face it. The Members of BDB which don’t have XX chromosomes are manly men. We stand apart. For us the Greek alphabet only has the one letter. The first one. It was the International Day of Women on the 8th of March. Should not we celebrate on the 9th of March as Manly Man Day?

Linda Sarsour’s tweets about Sharia Law in the USA

  If you are still paying interest than Sharia Law hasn't taken over America. #justsaying — Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) May 13, 2015 You'll know when you're living under Sharia Law if suddenly all your loans & credit cards become interest free. Sound nice, doesn't it? — Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) May 13, 2015 She was one of the speakers at the Women’s March. The Left loves her.

Book Club!

I have no idea how a book club works. But we should definitely do that. Here’s a pleasant book on ordinary life. Nevermind the title about statistics, this book is about things. I read it as an audiobook, but I suspect some of it is more clear in print.

Getting the Banned Back Together

My job (jobs) is (are) kind of cyclical. Back into the fascinating part, and I’m working 12 on and 12 off most of the time. So I’ve been hard to find. With that kind of time, I rarely even break out my confuser anymore. Mostly just the old iPhone, which is slowly dying, but man it has been through the wars and doesn’t owe me anything. Love what you all are doing with the site. Great to see so many people whose company I enjoy. Let’s try to convene a call about this time tomorrow. I’ll dig up the conference call number, or maybe Dime can just fire up one of the old numbers :-) Huzah!

Good Books

I have been reading The Undoing Project by Michael Lewis. I am enjoying it.  This is my first  Michael Lewis book. What other book should I read from him? What is everyone reading? Any good books lately? For light reading I have been reading old mysteries, Charlie Chan and Lord Peter Wimsey.

The View From Curmudgeon Corner

I guess we ae seeing what Trump is made of. Under fire from the media and the deep state, wavering Nevers getting bolder , he seems to have decided to fight and fight hard. After months of hearing theory on Russian collusion based on purported wiretaps, the media suddenly realizes he just called their bluff and targeted their standard bearer who they must defend. He either has rock solid proof from Rogers at the NSA that there was surveillance or he is going all in on a hunch. Either way, he just threw down and the opposition has two choices- either their allegations  are made up BS or Obama was worse than Nixon. I am impressed.  It looks like his advisors were counselling ‘ride it out’ and he… Continue reading

How to Run a Hot Dog Stand.

I hoping this will be a group exercise. The topic is to add to the list of things needed to run a successful hot dog stand. I know TKC and Liz have business experience. I am sure others do also. I will start off the list with No. 1. Hot Dogs A group of hungry people who favor hot dogs and are willing to part with present or future earnings to acquire a hot dog and satisfy that hunger. Refrigerator Location Signs Mustard (in weaponized containers) * * * *