About JJ

Just trying to find my way in this crazy world.

The mome raths outgrabe, or, how I want to improve accounting education for undergrads

As I mentioned on the call on Wed., I’m a grad student at UIUC, in their accountancy program. I love it. It is just challenging enough to be interesting without being overwhelming. I want to teach accounting at the undergraduate level. Evidently, there is a shortage of accounting instructors, and many colleges have full time positions that don’t require a Ph.D. I’ve seen perhaps 3-4 job postings that only require a bachelors in accounting. I’ve seen a few that are tenure track, and the minimum education to apply was a masters. Of course, the top universities still want a Ph.D., but community colleges and smaller colleges are advertising jobs and only require a masters to apply. Anyway, I have some general ideas about accounting education at the undergraduate… Continue reading

Conjoined twins have connected brain, different minds, see out of each others eyes

“Joined at the head, their brains are connected by a thalamic bridge which gives them neurological capabilities that researchers are only now beginning to understand… Krista and Tatiana Hogan share the senses of touch and taste and even control one another’s limbs. Tatiana can see out of both of Krista’s eyes, while Krista can only see out of one of Tatiana’s… Tatiana controls three arms and a leg, while Krista controls three legs and an arm. They can also switch to self-control of their limbs…” The comments are interesting too, but are generally beyond my pay grade. https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/11-year-old-conjoined-twins-have-a-connected-brain-see-through-each-others-eyes-but-have-separate-minds/

Sweeping gun reform?

It occurs to me that the next time Dems have control the way they did after 2010, they might do with guns what they did with health insurance. This might sound preposterous. However, I didn’t think they’d get away with their health insurance reform, yet they did. There are 2A Dems, but it seems to me that their numbers are in steep decline. What do you think? Am I imagining things or does this seem plausible?  

Do you like maps?

I love looking at maps. Just recently, for example, I was wasting time looking at Google maps of the Las Vegas valley. I moved to Las Vegas in August, and I was curious about how many actual cities are in the valley. I discovered that there are four cities here: Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, and Boulder City. So then I was examining their actual boundaries, and discovered that “the Strip” is not even in the city of Las Vegas! It is in the county. So there’s a piece of trivia for you. Here is a map I just came across this morning that I thought you all would appreciate. It shows all of the counties that changed party in the 2016 election. (Source) If the county… Continue reading

What do you brainiacs think of Professor Wildberger?

Have you guys heard of Professor Wildberger? He’s a mathematics professor at the University of New South Wales. I stumbled upon this video a couple years ago and thought it was really interesting. It is called, “The mostly absent theory of real numbers.” He goes through some standard textbooks and shows how most do not define real numbers. Of the few that do, they do not do so in a way he finds satisfactory. He says near the end that “the real numbers cannot be constructed in the usual kind of fashion. So next time it will be dedekind cuts that will be on the chopping block.” Then I started watching his other videos, and I like his teaching style a lot. I’m not a math major, but… Continue reading

My American Bar Association article is now live!

Hi all! I hope everyone is doing well. I thought you’d appreciate seeing my latest article. It appears on the American Bar Association (ABA) Journal website. It was a collaberative effort with Brenda Biaetto, a family law attorney in Florida. This project was several months in the making, so I am pretty excited to see it finally published! I hope you all like it. Diverse Family Structure: Reevaluating the Best-Interest-of-the-Child Standard I love this angle, since it encourages lawyers, judges, and those who serve as guardian ad litem to consider family structure as they work with children. Let me know what you think. Have a blessed day!

Were these tears of joy or sorrow?

Hi all, I hope everybody is having a fantastic summer. I came across this video just a little while ago, and it occured to me to ask for your feedback. In particular, if there is a shrink in the house that would be fantastic. Here is my question: is this little boy crying tears of joy or tears of sorrow? He sure doesn’t look happy to me. Everybody and their dog is saying how great this is, but he just doesn’t look happy to me at all. He’s almost sobbing, isn’t he? What do you think? WATCH: "Don't cry!" Adorable moment as Marine's 4-year-old son tearfully hugs his new stepmom during wedding vows: https://t.co/jGJ0mffCP5 pic.twitter.com/h5qPSMfncs — Good Morning America (@GMA) July 23, 2017  

Being raised vs. growing up

Wednesday night on the AMU, the conversation turned to a certain individual. We had some discussion about this person, and I wanted to share something here that is relevant. It is something I’ve pondered before, and I think it applies in the particular case we discussed. I think it applies in my own case, to be perfectly honest. There is a difference between being raised and growing up. It is possible to grow up without being raised. For example, there is a spectrum between being well raised and being feral. Now, I am not suggesting that this person or myself is feral, lol. But I do think we fall somewhere on the spectrum below the “well raised” end. I don’t mean to suggest that “not well raised” equals “rude.”… Continue reading

Linda Sarsour’s tweets about Sharia Law in the USA

  If you are still paying interest than Sharia Law hasn't taken over America. #justsaying — Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) May 13, 2015 You'll know when you're living under Sharia Law if suddenly all your loans & credit cards become interest free. Sound nice, doesn't it? — Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) May 13, 2015 She was one of the speakers at the Women’s March. The Left loves her.