The Will To Fight

On another thread, an e-mail discussion with numerous members of my old TBS class, we have been recently talking about what all Trump can or can’t do vis a vis money. One of the points was that we have always had a citizen-soldery, but now we have a “professional” military, the much vaunted “volunteer military”. There has also been quite a bit of RIF’ing in the services of late, Obama’s legacy to the services. One of the issues brought up was the desirability of citizens to be the military, to create more of a bond between citizens and the country and to limit the “foreign legion” effect. There was the suggestion of using mercs for our basic ground-pounders as a more economiocal alternative, as Americans have become inured… Continue reading

We Have A Grant, Not a Meade The strategy continues.  The administration continues to battle the media strategically by removing their weapons one by one. Press conferences have always been heir battlefields, where they lob artillery and the President ducks and covers. By using ‘democracy’ and inviting in many more players in the media, the opposition media lost this round. They cannot manufacture major crisis out of little things by pack behavior. They also sent Steve Miller out to the Sunday shows and he broke their teeth as they tried to ankle bite him. It is easy to tell as they  began the mean girl name calling by Sunday night. Trump’s biggest problem with the media is fixing the leak machinery in place in the White House and the CIA and NSA.

So Much Excitement

?Are you feeling a bit “down”. The administration appears to be regrouping around more traditional positions. Well, let’s keep in mind it’s only February 13 – all of 3 weeks since Trump took office. During this rather brief period there has been more smoke, more artillery barrages, more screaming (by the crazies on the Left) and more mayhem than I recollect in any previous administration. We have been treated to just about every zany excuse by the Lefties the mind can imagine. “He doesn’t have any experience!” Neither did Obama. “Obama was a state senator!” Not really. He pretty much missed ALL the legislative sessions. “He tells lies!” Kind of hard to make that argument with Obama’s record of “truth telling” None of this is important. What I… Continue reading

Felonies are Free

So now undocumented felons are the new universal right. The forces of no borders at all are out in full force in Phoenix , demanding that anyone who commits a crime needs to be allowed to stay in the US, unpunished. So we go from people do needed jobs to compassion to we must accept victims and now allow no punishment when new crimes are committed. Apparently the conviction was done in 2013, but Obama’s minions decided to let her stay. Can we at least get a list of the allowed felonies that these people can commit with impunity? Is that too much to ask? Pray for the resolve of Secretary Kelly and his boss.

Life In The 21st

The Red Headed Irish Wisecracker sighed again as she perused her 6Plus. “Jill is an idiot” she intoned, , exasperation filling the room. I knew what it was. Facebook. Old High School friends now in the grip of the Zombie Plague of Trump Derangement Syndrome. “She was an idiot in High School. Did you expect her to change?” I bantered , hoping the moment had passed. I got the look. The “Let me rant and shut up until I am done” look. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to watch Tucker skewer another guest with his nuclear giggle while I glanced at Instapundit on the Surface Pro in my lap. I decided to intervene. “Alexa…Play Jeopardy” The insidious and sonorous voice from the Bezos hockey puck like object… Continue reading

A Few Questions on Visas

I was thinking about the immigration impasse with the court. We have 97 mostly tech companies that are suing for the right to allow anyone in they claim they need. We have an activist judge and a lunatic appeals court who believe God falls under their jurisdiction. We have a tied SCOTUS and a nomination to get through. If you are blocked one way, try another. Anyone here have the answers to the questions below? Can all H1B visa suddenly get slow walked for those 97 companies? Can individual visas be called in for a security review? Can green card holders be called in for a security review? Can new refugee visas just stop being issued? Can a person who is granted a Visa or green card be… Continue reading

They All Look The Same

Sometimes I worry about things. The average American person responds to images, sometimes in a powerful way. After 911 they all saw images like this. They do not run the ones with the people falling anymore. Over the years they have been treated to imagery from various terror attacks, all with a terrible sameness.   Now we have the Black Lives Matter anti police riots. We add the Berkeley Left Wing goons to the photo album   The net effect of all of these is to remove distinctions from the images and condense the people responsible into one mental group. The Progressives are playing a dangerous game with their riotous reaction to the new administration.  They are becoming the bad guys and are attacking America in the imagery of… Continue reading