We Have A Grant, Not a Meade


The strategy continues.  The administration continues to battle the media strategically by removing their weapons one by one. Press conferences have always been heir battlefields, where they lob artillery and the President ducks and covers.

By using ‘democracy’ and inviting in many more players in the media, the opposition media lost this round. They cannot manufacture major crisis out of little things by pack behavior.

They also sent Steve Miller out to the Sunday shows and he broke their teeth as they tried to ankle bite him. It is easy to tell as they  began the mean girl name calling by Sunday night.

Trump’s biggest problem with the media is fixing the leak machinery in place in the White House and the CIA and NSA.

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About TKC1101

Curmudgeon (Reserve Status), Corporate Refugee, Proud Grandfather, Small Business Advisor and Salvage, Heinlein American

28 Responses to We Have A Grant, Not a Meade

  1. DevereauxDevereaux says:

    Well, Meade was an engineer, not a warrior. He did a creditable job at Gettysburg, simply failed to organize a pursuit of Lee when the battle was over. Still, I get your point. Not much rest for the wicked here.

    The leaks are a different issue. I DO believe there ought to be some arrests, to put the right “tone” to the leakers. What was done is illegal, while what Kelly did was not. Kelly merely is the latest democrat target, and he would have done far better to admit everything right from the onset and give them the, “?And your point.” response.

    • TKC1101TKC1101 says:

      Do you mean Kelly or Flynn?

      • DevereauxDevereaux says:

        Meant Flynn. Sorry.

      • DevereauxDevereaux says:

        Unfortunately Flynn did this to himself. I suspect Flynn would have weathered this and Trump would have stood with him.

        Meanwhile the dems are in full BS mode. “This needs an investigation”. Sounds to me like this is administration area, and congress could use its time better on other issues. ?How about a special prosecutor for Benghazi (heh, heh! ?Remember that!)

  2. Trinity WatersTrinity Waters says:

    Flynn is the first scalp. Yep, prosecution for the security agency leakers.

  3. DevereauxDevereaux says:

    Did anyone note Trump is repealing Dodd-Frank, another horrible intrusion with no other value.

    • AvatarEThompson says:

      Dodd-Frank was the MOST destructive bill of the late 20th and early 21st century and entirely responsible for the mortgage crisis.

      Interestingly enough, Carter didn’t care to enforce it, but Clinton certainly did and after threatening the banks that were quite reluctant to take on such risk, he encouraged banks to provide thousands of mortgages to unqualified applicants with the promise of federal back-up.

      Sound familiar? It is exactly the same policy that has exacerbated the insanely high prices of college tuition.

  4. Vald the MisspellerVald the Misspeller says:

    Sessions needs to sic the FBI on these stool pigeons while Pompeo smokes ’em out on his end. Random polygraph tests for everyone, violators to be prosecuted and jailed if convicted — though I would prefer heads on pikes up and down Pennsylvania Ave.

  5. 10 Cents10 Cents says:

    Off topic but how does one start a post around here.

    • DevereauxDevereaux says:

      GENERALLY there is a Ball Diamond Ball thingy in the LUQ. Next to it is a TV screen, then a (+) and “NEW”. Click on the new and it will ask comment or post. Choose post and you’re on your way.

  6. AvatarEThompson says:

    Hell old friend.

    Hit New on the right hand side of your toolbar. MLH had to explain this to me as well; any more specific questions, ask her!

  7. DevereauxDevereaux says:

    Well, here’s hope the cabinet cleans out the riffraff. That, too, is about draining the swamp.

    ?See the smart-ass comment by Hillary about “fake news”. That takes real gall. She may have been a lousy candidate, but she doesn’t lack in the gall department.

  8. 10 Cents10 Cents says:

    I think I am still a newbie. MLH or BDB have to upgrade me.

  9. 10 Cents10 Cents says:

    Can you correct a comment once you put it up?

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