Unnamed Wednesday 9pm Eastern Time Conference Call: Trump Administration Deathwatch Edition

It’s that time of the week again, when we connect for another townhall meeting in the Village of the Darned. Wednesday 9pm EDT The fix is in. Despite lies told by politicians and media, the Mueller investigation has little to do with any Russian or other hacking or any other actual crimes. It’s an ad hominem fishing license for process crimes. Given that the Trump administration seems populated with extremely bad liars, the perjury traps will make Scooter Libby seem like a saint. I’d say the over/under is five perjury trap prosecutions. If the software tells you that you’re the only caller, don’t you believe it!  Press on with the access code and you’ll probably find us in there! US: 515-604-9908 Access Code: [see chat in “BDB Chat” tab above]… Continue reading

A Voice Worth Your Time

It is always good when someone you respect agrees with you. VDH is unique in his calm and reasoned way to observe and arrange the obvious such that even the Never-rights reluctantly have to pay attention.  His latest is a fine piece and worth your time. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/448562/donald-trump-ironies-wrecking-ball-long-overdue-may-benefit-country I do believe we are facing a nation as divided as the one Lincoln got. Our political class is still as lousy as the one that presided over that era. We will make some progress, but it will be a god awful fight uphill with one foot in a bucket and taking fire. I do believe the more the courts , the media and the political class keeps attacking Trump, the more his support will solidify. I may be wrong, but… Continue reading

At the Corner of Sunset Boulevard and Technology Highway

The paradigm is shifting again and as usual, nobody is noticing very much. Having spent my time in the high tech world and spent half the 90s in silicon valley, I observed a number of folks who were changing the world. When I was asked , usually at some bar in Oakland, or Pleasanton or San Mateo for my take on who was changing  things the most, who was causing the most disruption, I would always pick my go to disruptor- Mr Bezos and Amazon. He has really changed the daily lives of people, changed the nature of retail, created untold startup opportunities and it continues.    Windows and the Iphone were just progressions of tech, but Amazon really changed things. Now we have the new stuff.    … Continue reading

Coffee by the Bottle

This is from Ueshima Coffee Company, UCC.  On the bottle there is a gold circle. In the gold circle it is written “No Sugar”.  There are three levels of sweetness, regular sweetness, mild sweetness, and no sugar. The non is the best. It comes in a 930 ml bottle and is great for a hot summer day. I usually add milk to have a cold latte in seconds. What is your summer drink of choice?

This Week’s Book Re-review – Sailing From Byzantium: How a Lost Empire Shaped the World

This is a reprint of a review I wrote published over a decade ago in the Daily News of Galveston County. It was one of my favorites leading to a long article in National Herald, where I did an extended interview with the author. Seawriter Author outlines influence of Byzantium By Mark Lardas The Daily News Published September 3, 2006 “Sailing From Byzantium: How a Lost Empire Shaped the World,” by Colin Wells, Delacorte Press, 335 pages, $22 In “Sailing From Byzantium,” Colin Wells explains how Byzantium influenced the development of three civilizations: that of Western Europe, the Arab World and Slavonic culture. The influence of the Byzantine Empire on these three civilizations is a story largely forgotten today. You may never have heard of Byzantium, or if… Continue reading

Batman died.

Adam West, the TV Batman, died at 88. The TV program in my opinion beat the movies in creativity. The shows had some over the top ways to do away with the Dynamic Duos. They also had some great cameo appearances going up the “side” of buildings. You had to like the villains too. They were in a sense pre-Colombo-ian. That is they used the formula of taking a famous actor and making them a villian. Cesar Romero, Burgess Meredith, Frank Gorshin, and Victor Buono to just to name a few. What are some of your best Bat Memories? The script writers and and the prop guys had a lot of fun, too.

Weekend Reading: The Time Machine

I have just posted a new Web edition of H. G. Wells’ The Time Machine.  This story (at around 33,000 words, it would be considered a long novella today), was originally published in 1895.  Wells continued to revise it over the years, with the final version published in 1935.  My edition is based upon that text.  I originally posted a Web edition in 2002.  This revision updates the documents to current Web standards (XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS3) and improves typography, formatting, and navigation. The story can be read in one or two sittings, and is much better and more interesting than the two Hollywood movies loosely based upon it.  Given Wells’s attraction to socialism and communism, it is an interesting view of the ultimately pernicious consequences of eliminating risks… Continue reading

Leaving Wisdom

Part of me feels for former Dir. Comey. It is no fun to be publicly fired and everyone wants to justify themselves. The only thing is how does one do it wisely. People take a myriad ways of handling this. Usually people fall between two extremes. The one extreme is their whole lives are consumed by telling everyone about that painful experience. They are the hero of the tale of how they were right. The other extreme is they just never talk about it and get on with their lives. My key word is life is balance or symmetry. We need to talk but never letting go is bad. The thing that I have seen in life is people who no longer grow because they live in the… Continue reading

Is That The Best You Got, Deep State?

I watched a six foot eight weasel attempting to act like a power broker. I am sure the folks who sent him there thought this would work. I am sure the Progressive Senators thought it would be a killshot. I was getting worried about the Deep State. Now I am wondering if they are an Austin Powers villain. The Media and their DNC lackeys did everything they could and it was one big yawn. Careful phrases like ‘Obstruction of Justice” and “Improper behavior” and “Collusion” have been uttered past the point of having any meaning. The Deep State put on a show for the Deep State and even the Deep State thought is was a bust. Oh well, when in doubt, follow the advice of the esteemed Mr… Continue reading