
About TKC1101

Curmudgeon (Reserve Status), Corporate Refugee, Proud Grandfather, Small Business Advisor and Salvage, Heinlein American

3 Responses to Somedays I Expect Rod Serling to Step out of the Shadows

  1. Vald the MisspellerVald the Misspeller says:

    In the old days,Inspector Callahan would appear brandishing his S&W Model 29 and offering the immortal words of encouragement, “Go ahead, make my day.” If the offending sterno bum chose badly, he would be summarily de-escalated to the great distillery in the sky.

  2. TKC1101TKC1101 says:

    In the older days, when Inspector Callahan was playing Rowdy Yates, the NYPD cops on the street would have never let the bum knock them down. Somehow the bum would fall and hit his head on the concrete and all of us on the street would agree it was so sad.

  3. Avatarctlaw says:

    The perp. was black. The simplest thing would have been for the cop to have a burner phone with MS 13 on autodial to take care of things. Likewise, for a Latino perp., the cops could have called the Bloods or Crips.

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