Public Service Announcement

The site is getting some troll comments (in the”Add Comment Below” post). We haven’t had any in a long time. I’m not sure how it all works but I think the following helps:

-when you post a link make sure to not allow ping/track-backs and to have it open in a new tab/window.
-have video embeds open in a new tab/window.
-there is also not allowing a link to generate conversations (or some such).



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22 Responses to Public Service Announcement

  1. 10 Cents10 Cents says:

    I saw a strange comment on TKC’s humor comment post. It came from “Education Services” and had a ping back.

  2. TKC1101TKC1101 says:

    I take the blame- I posted a link which must have caused it. It was not malicious, but I will try and follow your suggestions.

    My apologies, and you owe Dime some for attributing my post to him, such is considered a scandalous slur in polite society. Dime would never post such lowbrow stuff.

  3. 10 Cents10 Cents says:

    TKC, you just don’t get enough credit.

    I don’t know whose link caused the problem. In the future I say we blame the Minky. Why else have a Minky.

  4. AvatarTempTime says:

    Hi, just dropped by to say hello. I’d visit more often but I keep forgetting my password; it’s something in the form of “squ3akych@ir” — but it’s a complement to BDB and slap to that other place.
    In any event, just wanted say it has gotten really really slow over there but it remains boring tense and repetitive and seems more libs are joining.

  5. 10 Cents10 Cents says:

    Happy TimeTemp,

    Glad to see you around. Someone told me all the interesting people are here. It was half said in jest but I have to agree there are some good people here.

  6. 10 Cents10 Cents says:

    We have another spammer, “Homepage”.

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