21 Responses to H/T To Instapundit/PJMedia — Liz is not the only one who likes Trump

  1. 10 Cents10 Cents says:

    I wonder if you will pick out the same line that really moved me. This Syrian cut through all the garbage and spoke to the issues. There was enough omelet on the newsreaders face for everyone.

    Link to PJMedia article.


  2. TKC1101TKC1101 says:

    Americans with street smarts have an inherent grasp of how the world works.

    Elites educated beyond their experience have made the mess we have.

    It is not complicated, but the reality is hard to accept.

    If you are not willing to fight , you lose.

    • 10 Cents10 Cents says:

      TKC, the truth is a powerful weapon. It cuts through the garbage. In a sense lies are always a house of cards. They can’t withstand the smallest truth at times. They rely on nuance and perspective but not forever.

      I have talked to you on the phone. I know you know from business when people are living in denial. They can have great plans but fail.

      Would you write down for me the 5 things that businesses have to get right? (Am I getting the number right?) You said them on the AMU way back but I couldn’t take notes and I have no idea which podcast they were on. Either do it in a comment here, make a new post, or giving me a link.

      • TKC1101TKC1101 says:

        Ok- will do- wait until I am back in office.

        • AvatarEThompson says:

          When you’re through TKC, I’d love to chime in as well.

        • TKC1101TKC1101 says:

          Five essential skills to succeed in small business

          1. Define , Know and Listen to Your Customer, not who you wish they were
          2. Define, Know and Listen to your workers, not who you wish they were
          3. Understand Cash flow and track it every day
          4. Understand the legal, regulatory and industry rules for your business
          5. Define, know and observe your competitors

          All this in addition to being good at the production and delivery of the product or service you have chosen.

          Another way of stating the five skills

          1. Ability to sell
          2. Ability to hire and motivate
          3. Know cash flow
          4. Know the rules
          5. Know the market

          • 10 Cents10 Cents says:

            Thanks, TKC. Good ideas and simple. It is amazing how much time is spent on things that don’t help a business.

            I wonder what the opposite would be. How is this?

            1. Tell the customer what he wants.
            2. Blame the employees for doing what you ask them to do.
            3. The bank must be wrong. My business plan says that I have more money than this.
            4. I can fudge the rules. No one will ever know.
            5. Sure we could make a profit if we put up Kate Upton pictures.

            • TKC1101TKC1101 says:

              The downfall behaviors I see that are most common:

              -Assume the customers are just like you.
              -Assume the employees motivate like the owner, not by their paycheck
              -do not watch your cash flow
              -screwing my vendors is just good business
              -Hire relatives

              • AvatarEThompson says:

                I just had to add another comment here in reference to “screwing my vendors is just good business” because this is such an obvious call-out.

                I’m thinking of my favorite company and sales rep JF who helped my company expand by trusting us to do the right thing. This individual allowed us to return what didn’t sell if we replaced it with merchandise that did. They gave us liberal dating and did private label product for us with no strings attached.

                So what happened? The business between our two companies grew from a piddly $30k at cost to over $800k at cost in three years. They make special fixtures and visuals for us and we get great seats for NHL games. (The owner of this company is a close friend of an O-Six team owner.)

                Needless to say, this vendor gets paid before anyone else (excluding my employees of course) but including myself.

          • AvatarEThompson says:

            I agree with everything on TKC’s list, particularly #1. I have rarely been able to wear any of the clothing I have purchased for corporations or even my own stores. I insist on a level of taste, but it does not necessarily reflect my personal sensibilities. This is where many owners go wrong.

            I would only add (and I’m stealing this from my icon Steve Jobs) is that you must also lead the customer. Show them something they’ve never seen before. The merchandise I sell is obviously far less sophisticated than Apple product, but we’ve enjoyed the “oohs and ahs” and the ringing of the register as we introduced vintage sports looks, NHL (in CA before the Kings were cool) and now we’ll be the first store in America to sell European soccer jerseys that are truly a visual delight.

            Good inquiry Dime; since MLH and Nanda have started a book club, I’d enjoy a business club as well. What’s interesting to me is the consistency of the “dos and don’ts” regardless of the type of business. I used to enjoy discussing this with skipsul as well.

    • AvatarEThompson says:

      “If you are not willing to fight, you lose.”

      One of the great advantages of electing an egotistical, highly successful man is that he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks! He just wants to win.

      This is precisely why I voted for Perot in 1992 (although this of course backfired), but I’ll be hard pressed to vote for a career politician ever again. I love entrepreneurs because they know how to get what they want.

  3. AvatarEThompson says:

    I can’t believe I just read this after hanging up the phone with my sister-in-law; we were both attempting mightily to hold back prideful tears.

    This is what happened in a 36 hour period:
    1. Trump annihilates Syrian Air Force.
    2. Trump sends powerful message to Iran and Russia that we are taking back our rightful place as world leaders and we’ve got the tech to do it.
    3. Trump builds an amazing coalition with three Sunni, one Israeli and one American country in a NY minute.
    4. This is accomplished by highly competent cabinet members Tillerson and Mattis while Trump is entertaining the head of the CCP in the most blatantly opulent and capitalistic residence on the face of this planet.

    I can only hope this country appreciates the significance of the message our president has sent to the world.

  4. Mike LaRocheMike LaRoche says:

    God bless The Donald.

  5. drlorentzdrlorentz says:

    Surprisingly, this video made it to the Main Feed on Ricochet. I suppose it’s because the Neocons are on board with the “invade the world” aspect they (mis)perceive in the action, though I don’t think that’s the president’s impulse here.

    • AvatarEThompson says:

      @drlorentz: I suspect you’re right. I also suspect that The Donald believes a validated threat is as good as a consequential reality.

      I happen to be one of the few who believe that New York businessmen know perfectly well how to deal with irrational threats and the prospect of carnage; I don’t see such a separation between Wall Street and the Middle East.

      Of course there is the ‘criminally insane’ aspect to dealing with Islamists, but still think people such as our president and his highly qualified cabinet have been there and seen it all. In other words, they are not wearing rose-colored glasses!

  6. 10 Cents10 Cents says:

    “Good inquiry Dime; since MLH and Nanda have started a book club, I’d enjoy a business club as well. What’s interesting to me is the consistency of the “dos and don’ts” regardless of the type of business. I used to enjoy discussing this with skipsul as well.”

    I would like to take part if people with more business experience got this going. TKC and Liz have a lot they could teach.

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