State of the Union

It is that time of year. One of the biggest events on the political calendar. The President of the United States will give the State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress and the American People (how I so loath that term, but…). I have an observation about this event that might strike some of you as iconoclast, but I hope that you will at least get something from it that will prompt you toward a more local outlook of politics instead of slouching toward Gomorrah. For the past four months, I have been working as a defense contractor at the Office of General Counsel for the Secretary of Defense. Basically, this office looks at everything from amendments to current treaties or defense agreements, requests… Continue reading

Why I No Longer Support the National GOP

Because swine like this guy are still welcome in the Party as prominent members: Pull quote: “The old smoke-filled rooms were mostly about how do we win and move the ball forward. They were professional politicians, which is the art of getting policy victories for a point of view by organizing and persuading,” he argued. “People say, ‘Oh, it’s anti-democratic,’” he continued. “No, that’s what the general election is for. I like the idea of party elites making rational choices in the primary.”