Peak Trump!

[brought back from the archives at ctlaw’s “request.”]
I dare say we’ve reached peak Trump.  He will continue to be a factor, but will no longer dominate.  I think within two weeks he’ll be contesting second place.

EDIT October 8, 2015: When I wrote this, Trump had started a downward slide along with Carson, with the change benefiting Fiorina and Rubio.  Since then, almost nothing has changed.  So my two weeks prediction is a total bust.  And Boehner announced a resignation that certainly took me by surprise.  You know the anger runs deep when even I can’t see the bottom.

Just a hunch.  He his served a very useful purpose and will continue to do so.  Those who wish to assign to him this year’s woes would be well to remember 2008 and 2012, which were not exactly bell-ringers for conservatives.  I do not care whether my gun was made by conservatives or union progressives, so long as it fires reliably. I have always viewed Trump as a means to an end with an acceptable risk of becoming the end in itself. After all, plan A keeps failing and we are out of time.

Trump has shaken up the race by being unpredictable and uncontrollable. I do not expect the GOP to “learn” the lesson of Trump any more than I expect them to suddenly regret the last fifteen years. Not gonna happen. It’s not as though they don’t understand– they disagree with us and will gladly squash us to preserve their chosen state of affairs.

The value of Trump is not to teach the GOP a lesson — it is beyond redemption in and of itself — but to illuminate its failure. There is no meaningful victory through GOP victories. Granting them anything is just putting rifles in the hands of cowards — they will surrender well-armed.

“Trump Spring” may be out of gas, and if so, I can accept that. Nothing lasts forever. As Trump burns down (if that is to happen soon, if at all), we will see a more even mixing of the other candidates.

Look at the departure of Rick Perry — who would have though that he would be the first to drop? I don’t think that would have happened without Trump starving out the weak. My guess is that some who are now coasting, running on empty, would have made it much further if not for Trump. Anything can happen — Newt was dead three times in 2012, and kept coming back. I wrote a post back then calling him Rasputin, as he just could not be killed. But in general, I think that Trump’s influence has been to make the race a far more hostile environment early on, forcing tough decisions within the field.

Can’t put my finger on it. It’s just a hunch.

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35 Responses to Peak Trump!

  1. MLHMLH says:

    So it’s safe to get back in the pool? (That’s not meant as a metaphor, BTW.)

  2. AdministratorAdministrator says:

    Eh? You better splain that one to me. I’m lost.

  3. DevereauxDevereaux says:

    Never was a republican.

  4. AdministratorAdministrator says:

    He his served a very useful purpose and will continue to do so. Those who wish to assign to him this year’s woes would be well to remeber 2008 and 2012, which were not exactly bell-ringers for conservatives.
    I do not care whether my gun was made by conservatives or union progressives s long as it fires reliably. I have always viewed Trump as a means to an end with an acceptable risk of becoming the end in itself. After all, plan A keeps failing and we are out of time.
    Trump has shaken up the race by being unpredictable and uncontrollable. I do not expect the GOP to “learn” the lesson of Trump any more than I expect them to suddenly regret the last fifteen years. Not gonna happen. It’s not as though they don’t understand– they disagree with us and will gladly squash us to preserve their chosen state of affairs.
    The value of Trump is not to teach the GOP a lesson — it is beyond redempton — but to illuminate its failure. There is no meaningful victory through GOP victories. Granting them anything is just putting rifles in the hands of cowards — they will surrender well-armed.
    “Trump Spring” may be out of gas, and if so, I can accept that. Nothing lasts forever. As Trump burns down (if that is to happen soon, if at all), we will see a more even mixing of the other candidates.
    Look at the departure of Rick Perry — who would have though that he would be the first to drop? I don’t think that would have happened without Trump starving out the weak. My guess is that some who are now coasting, running on empty, would have made it much further if not for Trump. Anything can happen — Newt was dead three times in 2012, and kept coming back. I wrote a post back then calling him Rasputin, as he just could not be killed. But in general, I think that Trump’s influence has been to make the race a far more hostile environment early on, forcing tough decisions within the field.
    Can’t put my finger on it. It’s just a hunch.

  5. NandaNanda says:

    I’m glad you find some good in his presence, beloved admin., I can’t bear another minute of him…

  6. MLHMLH says:

    I DO think that Trump has a served a very useful purpose and hope that he continues to do so. Except for single payer medical services, I don’t think he’d be that bad in the office.

    A patient of my PCP gave my PCP a bumper sticker: “what if being politically correct meant telling the truth”

    I was implying that the GOP may think that they are “safe” again in their Belmont cocoon.

    • NandaNanda says:

      M, in re: the bumper sticker, I’m reminded of Pontius Pilate’s question: “What is truth?” It seems the Donald’s ‘truths’ could use some fact-checking…If ‘truth’ is saying something loud enough and long enough that folks come to believe it, maybe…He’d make a wonderful trade negotiator…

  7. AdministratorAdministrator says:

    I’ve advertised this site through a re-activated FB account. Stand by. There may be a torrent of one, maybe two new users.

  8. AdministratorAdministrator says:

    Gonna throw that massive grody comment up into the post. What kind of place is this anyway?

  9. NandaNanda says:

    19 Sept. at 1327, M…I don’t agree with the characterization, either, btw…

  10. NandaNanda says:

    BA’s comment may, indeed, be ‘massive ‘, but most certainly not ‘goody/grotty’.

  11. DevereauxDevereaux says:

    Well, with the departure of Walker, some of your expectations or predictions are coming true. I would then hope more drop out. Walker’s comment encouraging others to also drop out is right, if for the wrong reasons. He thinks the GOP needs to fight Trump, whereas I believe it needs to learn and adapt.

    But the Marine Corps the GOP is not. They will cling to their status right to the bitter end. As we speak, there is yet another surrender in the making, now over funding Planed Parenthood. I just don’t understand it. This ought to be a no-brainer. The videos ought to allow the GOP to label any dem who votes for continuing funding a “baby killer”. They should be called immoral. They should be called unscrupulous. Every name in the book.

    And, YES! State we are “shutting the government down” because it is now acting in totally immoral and unacceptable ways. It is now unAmerican, in that this defunding is supported by something like 75+% of the people.

    Get a spine! Grow some!

    I’m (once again) disgusted.

    • MLHMLH says:

      In the last “shut down” they all got paid anyway. But then it only hurts the old and sick (SS and MC) hhmmm. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for it, a shut down. But let’s not pay them this time.

  12. DevereauxDevereaux says:

    So. ?Anyone still think Trump has “peaked”. He seems to be holding his own in a field that is jockeying for position. But they’re all looking for a place along the rail while he continues to run.

    ?Anyone think Boehner is simply the latest victim to Trump and the base rage. ?Who is benefiting. Rubio is talking, but it is unclear that he will catch the brass ring.

  13. DevereauxDevereaux says:

    Been more than a month now, and Trump has (apparently) slid some in the polls. But he is still seriously in the running, and it is not yet time to count him out.

    I, for one, am disappointed Fiorina has slipped so much. I wish she was further up in the standings. She is among the few that seems to be consistent and in keeping with freedom – other than Cruz & Paul. Paul will not get any traction simply because he has come out against military use. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, although I would prefer to stand on usage of force when it makes sense AND have an actual, you know, real PLAN. Something with a missioni, a goal, an end point.

  14. Avatarctlaw says:

    I am attempting to seize control of this thread in order to run an experiment. And to bring it back to the main page so people can have a good laugh.

  15. Avatarctlaw says:

    Apparently, I can’t.

  16. PencilvaniaPencilvania says:

    I saw your comment listed on the Recent Comments column – this is fun to read. Oh how callow we were!

  17. 10 Cents10 Cents says:

    I make the bold prediction Trump will get the nomination and win the presidency. He will beat Bernie Sanders in a landslide and Ted Cruz will be his vice-president.

  18. 10 Cents10 Cents says:

    Ctlaw, how much did you slip MLH under the table?

  19. TKC1101TKC1101 says:

    We have only Trump begun….

    “You can’t handle peak Trump”

    “This is the Trump dreams are made of”

    “you’re gonna need a bigger boat”

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