Vance Debate — Bigger Picture, So-Called Journalists are Marxist Trash

It’s time to take the MSM up on their claims to objectivity.  Accept for argument’s sake that they are all as pure as the driven snow, without a common ideological axe to grind.  You know, just to make the rest of this argument go.  Then look at the questions they ask and the “clarifications” they issue.  Why would a “debate” “moderator” say such a thing?  What is the worldview which would cause an honest journalist to ask such a question, or to emit such a brain-dead reply?

This analysis will show that the honest and hard-working talking heads of the Democratic People’s Republic of TheNews are all thoroughly mal-educated Marxists.  Regardless of whether they are committed or merely caught up in the rush, every single one of them … Continue reading

WordStar 7 Archive Released

WordStar 7, the last version of the first word processor, has finally been posted as a complete application, with manuals and much more than ever came in the box by science-fiction author Robert J. Sawyer. 

To describe the impact or the rationale would simply be to recap one of Sawyers’ bests posts on WS, which go back to the early days of the internet.  I will simply link to some relevant pages and provide a few notes.

Meanwhile, here’s the first three paragraphs from his post:

As you all know, I continue to use … Continue reading

Exciting, Profound Analog to Quantum Whatnot using… Pendula?

I try not to spam YouTube links — YouTube is evil and linking isn’t exactly providing content.  But I’m not in a position to check this guy’s math and likewise for the expected results of a baryon-baryon collision.  Sigh.  Still, this short and engaging video is as tractable and as interesting as another one about pilot waves made perhaps ten years ago.  Shush now, we’re talking about the pendulum video here:

If you’re having a hard time putting together just how these pendula are actually put together, the word he should have mentioned is “torque”.  You’re welcome.

Also, here’s the one on pilot waves, er I mean driven bouncing droplets of oil:

Finally, I had to use an alternate browser to make this second video pop … Continue reading

Moderately Conflicted on Conflict with Maduro

I don’t want us playing world cop.  I personally have gone, and while I ate up the mission at first, it soured around the time some of my friends were killed (I identified them and signed for their uh receipt at the big military hospital there), and my second tour was an exercise in finding a job I could do with all my heart.  All I did was take care of our people, which I can do all day long.  No “host-nation” partnering, no nation-building, no joint security tomfoolery; just take care of our people over there.  Happy to do so, because the whole thing was a piece of refuse, and I wanted to take care of people who thought the way I had on my previous deployment, … Continue reading

Agile Software Development is just Marxism for Coders as Proven by its Failures and Excuses

Here’s a reasonable-sounding guy talking about how Agile (the software development “discipline”) has been co-opted by management and that’s why it never works.  He’s not entirely wrong, but his larger point is the same-old same-old.  “But real Agile has never been tried!” they cry, while it just keeps on failing.  Sound familiar?

Agile in my limited experience looks like this: the coding nerds with no higher responsiblity shot the managers, declared an autonomous anarchic coding collective and colluded with end-user customers who also bear no higher responsibility to produce, approve, and certify requirements and results.  Nobody lived happily ever after, Amen.

What happened instead has been a profusion of cobbled-together software which does not meet the actual requirements of the larger customer organization, forcing agglomerations of non-process … Continue reading

Unbelievably Stupid yet Consistently Dishonest Response from Hack USSS Leader

Here’s the key quote captured in a tweeted clip of video:

This is so stupid an excuse that it literally creates the space need for its own refutation by damned near anything.  So let’s back up and look at the most pleasant possible explanation.

RONALD ROWE is the acting director of the US Secret Service (USSS).  I will assume (oooh, careful with those assumptions!) that he is a good man with a distinguished record of brave and faithful, intelligent and mission-oriented service.  His execrable DEI-focused (her claim, not mine) boss Kim Cheatle has just been canned, having stonewalled Congress … Continue reading

What did Obama Want?

At first I thought he was just strategerizing his endorsement for impact, like showing up late to a party.  But he showed about as much enthusiasm for her as she did for Netanyahu when she was finally forced to shake hands and equivocate.

So what gives?

A Tale of Two Trump Shootings

Trump was shot in PA today (yesterday), and I’m awfully glad that it just nicked his ear.  A minor head tilt seems to have saved his life.

On the one hand, this is enormous, and all of the appropriate asses are on fire.  Boy, watch ’em hop!  And suddenly we’re on an upswing in the sine wave wherein everybody with an attention span measured in commercial breaks is proclaiming that now Trump has certainly won the election months hence.  “This one event has done it — Trump is sure to win now!”

Which brings me to the other hand, in which I try not to sound too jaded and bored, but I’ve been saying for some time that there is war coming, a shadow government exists and runs … Continue reading

Do Not Let Them Pretend that They are “Shocked, SHOCKED” at Biden’s Mental Deficiency

I’ve said this before and I’ll try to find it.  Ricochet currently does not allow old posts to be viewed, which is odd, so I cannot find it.  But I may be able to get a copy via friends.

I specifically said years ago that the Democrats knew full well in 2020 that Joe was already senile.  All part of the plan.  Receipts inbound.  Do NOT let Democrats off the hook.  They did this to us pn purpose.  They intentionally installed this empty senile husk of a man so that the Intel-community-centered shadow government can have its way with the government, and thereby the country and the people.

Don’t buy the sob stories.  Every single Democrat knew but lied, even if they’ve convinced themselves by now that they … Continue reading